
  1. E

    Corner Tape Information

    Hello all, I`ve been away for a short while and have been catching up on the forum. I have seen a couple of threads for the product corner tape and would like to know if any of you have used it yet? I can understand that applying of Silicon can sometimes be troublesome, but a good standard is...
  2. P

    duck tape, hot glue gun, etc

    hi, one final question if i may please. can i get away with duck tape or do i need the hot glue gun (i am trying to keep the costs down!). have bought the SLC and tile adhesive today. getting the multimeter tomorrow from argos. thanks again peeps
  3. J

    Corner Tape

    hi asked about corner tape in CDT yesterday they looked at me as if i was stupid, anyway just shows how good the forum is, as i no they r going to have it before the people who work there. I dont answer many questions but i always have a good look, and usually people r having the same...
  4. R

    Corner Tape Essential Kit For New Starters

    hello all just a bit of advice from my own experiances i am a tiler of 6 years experiance but never been a master with the old Silicon glue but since buying the corner tape i have found it does finsh off the siliconing perfectly. I know that many of you experianced tilers may find this...
  5. F

    Corner Tape for siliconing

    Topic says it all. Corner tape for siliconing, has anyone use it, and if so, what did you think to it. Is it as easy looking as they show on their video on their site ? Cheers p.s Their a sponser on this site, and have only just seen their advert and watched the video.
  6. L

    Tape meusures - who uses them ?

    Just wondered, who uses a tape measure to measure their tiles for cutting ? I don't - just curious that's all
  7. T

    Polyester Tanking Tape

    Where can I buy the tape or matting cheap. I have seen this product used for other applications but I can't remember where. I don't mind cutting sheets of it up.



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