
  1. Wishiwasatoptiler

    Accounts going online by April 1st

    So I was out with a mate whose self employed also. We got talking about accounts, now he uses an accountant and has for 20 yr, his accountant has told him all accounts must be done using online software by April 1st., like quick books, has anyone else been told this. I've not heard anything, but...
  2. F

    Internet sales tax and high street business

    As I've been off this week I watched a lengthy meeting with Mike Ashley, a controversial figure I know but he's certainly a powerful man especially where the high street is concerned. Anyway amongst other things the core of his proposal is to introduce an additional 20% tax to be paid by...
  3. Q

    Budget 2017 - What does it mean for us?

    So, tomorrow the chancellor announces the budget. But what does this mean for us tradesmen (& women)? Budget 2017: Fuel duty set to rise and it’s more bad news for diesel drivers - One change...
  4. A

    CIS - how do you handle it?

    Being a newbie to tiling and the industry in general, I was wondering how you guys tackle the Government CIS scheme, since tiling seems to come under 'decoration' and therefore deemed to be part of construction. CIS seems to apply to if you are being sub'd work by, say, a building, kitchen or...
  5. M

    Contractor Paying My Tax?

    Hi I'm not sure which forum to put this question in but...I've got a few months work through a friend who knows a contractor at a modular site.....all I do is tell the guy my UTR number and he sorts out my tax and n.i..... Question can I be sure he actually pays it? Also what do I...
  6. G


    Gents, interested to know what you guys do with regards to tax. Do you chuck a couple of hundred away each month or are you more specific ie every job deduct say 18% and put in savings account? Only reason I ask is just had huge bill, not been putting enough away so a little short. Would like to...
  7. S

    Tax year tools

    Now the tax year is very near who has bought tools and what you bought? I just ordered a few things from day @tt and also got my 2g coming tomorrow. Looking forward to using it on a restaurant with lizzardtong (matt) got bout 200m of metros to fit.
  8. J

    tax returns

    ok you guys any boddy not get there tax returns in on time. as most of my work is subcontracting to builders etc managed to get a chunky rebate to pay of my credit card. do you do it your self or use an accountant? I use a good chartered accoutants, they cost a bit, but like good addy its well...
  9. W

    No More Tax Dics

    Just renewed mine so might put "Tax in Post" where the disc was or "The car belongs to the wife so it's her problem" or just put in a smiley face...
  10. W

    Tax Discs Being Phased Out Did'nt know until today until I heard it on the radio.
  11. D

    Tax return done ..........

    ............roll on the rebate. Diggy :)
  12. A

    Spending money on tools before tax man takes it!

    Hi, Last mad spending spree before my accounts get submitted, the tax man only ends up taking it anyway :thumbsdown: so why not spend it on making my life easier at work :prrr:... Currently have a ts-70, grinder with duro blade, vitrex wet cutter, nothing amazing but done the job up to now...
  13. Q

    Tax return - claiming vehicle expenses or mileage

    Just wondering which we all prefer to claim for when it comes to tax return time....... a proportion of the vehicle costs or mileage? I have always been mileage, but beginning to wonder if claiming for vehicle running costs may be better?
  14. M

    tax help please?

    hi i have.been.self employed for around 6yrs now. does anyone know a way you can pay as you earn rather than at the end of the tax year?...and then somehow you claim your expenses back at the end? would be much easier for me
  15. D

    Are you affected by the new tax laws that come in today.

    Have you been hit with the new higher rate of tax or just benefit from the higher amount you can earn before tax like most of us.. Said changes are below :::::
  16. I

    End of the tax year

    Anyone splashing out on any new tools etc, before the end of the tax year? Just got a load of new work clothing and thinking about a Fein from tradetiler.
  17. peteablard

    Has everyone got their tax returns in??

    Always seem to leave mine until January! Got it in last week and had to go and sign a few things today, cheeky little rebate coming my way which will no doubt get blown on tools!!
  18. S

    Tax return. What to claim back?

    Hi, Well todays job has been put back a day so thought I better get my return done! I have submitted my last 3 years tax returns myself but with the help of a relative but this year It is the first by myself and in my own house. I have never claimed back house bills etc so am unsure what I can...
  19. D

    need some help about tax

    i have done some subbie work for some one invoiced them every month labour only less tax just found out they have not paid the tax .I have spoken to them they want to put it all in there books this month but some of it is before april do i just go striaght to the tax office and get them to sort it ?
  20. D

    Fuel Duty Tax Frozen For The Year

    Chancellor George Osborne has scrapped August's planned 3p rise in fuel duty and frozen the tax for the rest of the year. The £500mn boost to motorists can be paid as a result of departmental savings across Whitehall, the Treasury said. Announcing the measure to cheers from Tory benches in the...



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