
  1. D

    DAMN!: Support local companies to order "robust" computer and they go bust.. !l

    Damn. Support local companies buy buying local. Bought a robust computer from local shop / repair centre. Of course the computer is bust. And the shop bankrupt. 11 months into a 1 year guarantee... I made the choice to have a single PC with two 500gb hard drives. And software to mirror...
  2. D

    They are from wales.

    A guy was driving down a motorway in England with his blonde girlfriend and she piped up, "I think those people in the car next to us are from Wales". "Why do you think that ?" he said. "Well, the kids are writing on the window and it says "stit ruoy su wohs".
  3. U

    What sheep herders do when they are bored....:-)))

    brilliant...:lol: Amazing sheep light. [VIDEO]
  4. G

    black quartz tiles at marblemosaics in sussex - are they of good quality

    have any of you guys dealt with marble mosaics in sussex . im looking at their black mirror quartz tiles at 12mm thick and under £50 m2. are these of good quality and calibration etc .....
  5. R

    HELP! need 3 boxes of Wickes Discontinued tiles - they have no stock

    Hi Very long shot indeed but I'm looking for 3 boxes of Limestone effect wall tile 300 x 200 x 7 on product code 165952. If anyone can help if they got a few boxes spare please let me know Many thanks Matt
  6. P

    where can i get hold of a Pilkington tile now they are out of business?

    I need to locate a 300x300 Dark grey Tile , which was called Dorset Luna Dark grey made by Pilkingtons
  7. A

    what are the ways to level up concrete floor when they are at least 10mm lower?

    Hi, I have a 11 s.q.m. job where there are 80% are 10mm lower than other place; I have been suggested by a builder to put down 9mm cement board with proper spread of floor glue; which is a lot more cheaper, stabler and stronger than slc; should I have any other options? answers are much...
  8. J

    How do they get away with it

    I was starting a job today replacing a living room ceiling after a pipe burst over the winter and destroyed it, it's a new build and not been lived in so thats why its only getting sorted now. had just started plastering when in comes the tiler to start laying the kitchen floor, he literally...
  9. E

    I dont think they heard me properly!!

    The lesbians next door asked me what I would like for my birthday? I was quite surprised when they gave me a Rolex. It was very nice of them, but I think they misunderstood me when I said I wanna watch...:lol:
  10. D

    Car worth £1000 - What Price? Website "We Buy Any Car" will they be prepared to pay?

    What price would "We Buy Any Car" Dot Com be prepared to pay for a £1000 Mercedes Benz? Subject to a deductable £50 "fee" Hey they even printed a cheque on screen..... Those guys! Awwww thanks guys !
  11. L

    Marmox products-are they any good

    Hi all I'm looking at using Marmox wet deck and backer boards for a wet room. has anyone got experience of them and are they up to the job?
  12. D

    Gloss ceramic floor tiles: how easily do they scratch?

    I've seen some tiles in B&Q (don't groan) and I fancy having them for down in my dining room. Only problem I foresee is that they are shiny gloss and I just wonder if they'll get scratched by dining chairs and vertically challenged friends in killer heels. any views people? :grinningelf:
  13. D

    car thermometer readings, how accurate are they?

    went to look at a job this morning at 9am, jumped in the car and the dashboard reading said -14c, just wondered how accurate they are as it warmed up through the day and got to -5c:thumbsup:
  14. A

    websites are they worth it

    evenin all. need a bit of advice off the lads with websites, do they generate more buisness, are they worth it??.what sort of price should i be looking at for a decent site. cos im thinking of sortin a website out for myself.any advice welcome :smilewinkgrin::30: cheers
  15. P

    They say it happens in threes heres the first two so whats next

    1st had tools stolen 2nd hit and run on me van today So whats gonna happen next :mad2:
  16. D

    UK Manufacturing Industry. DEVELOPING NEW tile tools for tilers. "How do they do it?"

    "Made In China"... ? That may have been true for most products a few years ago but nowadays more items are made and produced in the UK At 365Drills in 2005 we considered the problems tilers faced drilling holes into porcelain so we looked at existing equipment and saw that it relied on a...
  17. J

    Does anyone have any work they need a hand with or want to pass my way?

    Hi There, Im a tiler havnt very much work on at the minute. Does anyone no of any jobs in and around Belfast/co.down area?Thanks, Jonny. :
  18. K

    Are they flat enough....

    Hi guys, first post here, so go easy. Im doing a full rebuild of my bathroom ( at the same time as installing a central heating system) The old tiles got removed, as they were a tad "wonky" and old fashioned. Under the tiles i found nasty 50 year old plasterboard, with holes and all sorts...
  19. G

    Easy job they said !

    "can you tile a ramp for us with quarry tiles " they said. "Got any details" I asked "Oh it will only take a day and its onto a flat concrete ramp" Well with no chance to visit site I attended the site this morning at 7.30. Tiles should have been delivered yesterday....No Tiles, No adhesive, No...
  20. D

    And they kick off..



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