tile backerboard

  1. B

    Backer board screws or normal screws?

    Just wondering if people use the official brand screws for backer board/ no more ply or their own from a place like toolstation? many thanks
  2. D

    hardie backer slc

    hi guys, have prepped my bathroom for tiling after using this forum as a guide. i have screwed all floorboards down tight, sbr primed and adhesive and screwed hardiebacker. while screwing the hardibacker down I noticed that the floor is not flat, it has a slope down to the middle, there is no...
  3. AliGage

    Marmox board

    Can anyone direct me to somewhere that will tell me the load bearing of marmox boards? Looked in the marmox doenloads website and can't see any indication.
  4. P

    ditra vs hardie backer over wood

    Ok men just out of curiosity,, what would be your preference.. Ditra or hardie backer over wood. Thanks
  5. M

    Backer boards

    Advice please nicobond tile backer board Can someone advise me on this product, for overlaying floors? I was going to try using Nicobond tile backer board fixed onto chipboard with Nicobond rapid set ady, hoping to remove the need to overboard with ply, however I discovered that the Nicobond...
  6. I

    Weber adhesives - hardie backer, Dural, mosaics + large format

    I need to lay hardie backer boards to ply + Dural CI+ / WP and a mix of marble mosaics (50x50) and marble 600 x 400 tiles to walls and floors and looking for advice on which adhesives to use. Last time I tiled (600 x 400 limestone) I used Weber.set rapid SPF which worked fine but with the...
  7. K

    Hardie backer board

    what is the best way to fix hardiebackerboard to a brick wall was going to use plasterboard adhiesve
  8. G

    Marmox V Hardiebacker or Brick Wall

    Hello all, I'm undecided about Tiling on Brick wall. The fitter has agreed to remove remaining layer of mortar back to the Brick Wall. I am in no doubt there will be areas on the Brick Wall that will bear some minor damage. The issue is, do I get the damaged parts filled in before tiling...
  9. S

    Hardie backer

    How much do you charge for supply & fit of Hardie backer boards on floors, Hardie 250, 6mm?? Client thinks I'm at it as they want to fit 6mm ply!!
  10. I

    Fixing Hardie Backer Board

    Can I ask the best way to fix HBB to a brick wall?
  11. N

    Backer Boards on new screed

    Hi, Just wondering if anyone has advice on how long I should leave before laying marmox boards on to a new screed which will then have a UTH mat placed on top??
  12. P

    Cement or backer board

    I seem to be confused hadi ie cement board marmox backer board ? Yes or no :sofahide:
  13. D

    Marmox boards - screws

    Hi everyone, new here (I will introduce myself, but really need an answer so I can order the stuff I need). Ok, so I have stud and block walls, suspended timber floor (WBP). I'm putting marmox boards on both walls and floor. Floor will have a Devi-mat. Using Mapei Keraquick to attach boards to...
  14. I

    Hardie backer PDF

    I was just having a look at the installation PDF to brush up on a couple of things, just thought I'd post it up incase anyone fancied a read. It was updated in July 2012. http://www.jameshardie.co.uk/images/uploads/resources/HardieBacker_cement_backerboard_installation_guide_manual.pdf
  15. judge

    marmox onto ply

    Evening all,ive not worked with marmox before and was wandering what thickness it needs to be for overlaying on 18 mm ply upstairs floor ?:smilewinkgrin:
  16. N

    Marmox board4mm

    Hello everyone. i have a job to do. It's a bathroom tiling. Customer wants me tile part of the wall with mosaic and carry on with ceramic tiles after. Strip of mosaic will go from floor to ceiling. Question is. How can I reduce space for mosaic to be flat with the tiles. Mosaic is 3mm and tiles...
  17. B

    SLC or Hardie Backer to get levels correct

    Hi All, I’ve been tiling a few years doing work for friends and family and plan to take it up full time when I leave the RAF in a couple of years. I’ve been asked to tile my neighbours kitchen, new utility area and hall following a new kitchen fit and a knock through into part of the...

