tiling guide

  1. I

    Outdoor Tiling Substrate Prep - How to set a Gradient

    Hi All, Just done my bathroom (4 tiles left) and started my kitchen this weekend(just got wet cuts left to do). Now started to think on how I am going to tackle tiling my outside patio 7m x 4m when the weather warms up. Back in October i had a patio poured in concrete but the gradient is not...
  2. R

    Adivce on how to best deep clean and seal quarry tiles?

    Hi guy's, Have only been a member for a little while now and this is my first thread/question so here goes. I would like some advice on the best way to deep clean and seal quarry tiles on a kitchen floor? Have not done this before and obviously want to do the best job possible. Cheers. Rhys
  3. V

    How to tackle this straw board wall?

    Hi everybody, so I have finally started with destroying my old bathroom and now I have found this straw wall. I was thinking to tear this down and build new stud wall or to "glue" Tile mate backer board on this straw, which would be the easiest way to do it, but would it be the best way? The...
  4. Andy Allen

    how to make your own grout swatch

    get an off cut of tile trim, cut the flange off and fill the void with grout....:thumbsup: i know mapei give out grout swatches, but i prefer bal grouts and getting swatches of them is like getting blood out of a stone...
  5. V

    How to seal the corners

    Hi guys, I have seen many videos on youtube about tilling and grouting and I want to ask you if I should use grout to seal corners or if I should use Silicon. In this video Tile Shower Waterproofing.wmv - YouTube the guy says that corners should not be grouted. What is you opinion on this...
  6. D

    New Product for 2012: How to clean diamond drills and remove the tile cores from 365

    We are now delighted to be able to add a new tool to the 365-Drills PORSADRILL range to solve the issue of cleaning out the spoil or shards of tiles from the drilling of very hard porcelain tiles. This core extractor has joined the stable at 365Drills. The 90 degree hook allows easy...
  7. K

    Need advice on how to do very minor Karndean repair

    I'm hoping someone on the forum can offer me some advice. I have Karndean in my kitchen and carpet in my dining room. When we replaced the old carpet and the metal trim between the two rooms, a short end piece of Karndean (about 6" long) lifted at the threshold just inside the kitchen. It is...
  8. E

    b&q how to tile dvd ( or maybe how not to tile)

    Was at a customers house today tiling her kitchen backsplash and noticed she had a b&q how to tile dvd and she asked me if was any good to me and told me to take it, I thought I'd have a quick watch and I've got to say i must be doing everything wrong. It advises you to seal painted wall with...
  9. A

    How to be a Speed Tiler

    Found this on Youtube.<br> <br> I was impressed because this woman tiled her shower in 2 and a half minutes, her setting and tiling technique was good, and she managed to tile a shower without getting any addy on her t shirt and shorts!<br> <br> Not sure if I approve of the adhesive she was...
  10. S

    How to fix items to a hardibacker board wall

    Hello everyone. I have a timber stud wall with hardibacker board and 10mm thick porcelain tiles. I need to fix a shower rail and other various small items to this wall. What is the best method of fixings items to this? I was thinking using the metal plaster board fixings, the ones with...
  11. Furtek

    Shower room floor - how to spread the tiles?

    That's my first floor to lay so... IMG_1222 by Furtek, on Flickr In the far end is toilet, on the left is sink and on the right will be shower glass door. checker style(black and white) thanks !
  12. T

    how to make slurry for bitumen?

    Hi all do i make a slurry mix i know its 50/50 sbr primer and rapid set addy can i use flexible rapid set and do just mix these two or do i mix the adhsive with water as usual then add sbr?? sorry guys first time mixing slurry, please help!
  13. M

    How to remove tiles from a rendered bathroom wall

    Hi guys, Am new to this forum and am in need of some good advice. Basically, i am a plumber who has taken on this bathroom job. The guy who lived there before the owners apparently was a tiler. Now, the new owner told me that the tiles were extremely difficult to get off. And that he had tiled...
  14. D

    Technical request: Large holes into porcelain tiles how to cut or drill large holes

    This project was a technical request from a customer on how to put a hole into a tile high up in a bathroom on tiles that had already been installed (fixed to the wall). He wanted to know how he could drill so high up on the bathroom wall. Hello 365, I have to install a new 100mm vent fan...
  15. F

    How to Set Out Around Bath With Shower

    Hi Having a go at wall tiling for the first time but need a pointer before I start. Could someone please give me an idea of how to set out tiles around a bath that also has a thermostatic shower at one end. The shower unit has two pipe tails which have to be tiled around. Do I start at the...
  16. P

    how to build a bath panel

    does anyone else build a bath panel as such ?
  17. S

    How to support first row tiles in tanked shower?

    I've just tanked my shower (using BAL WP1) and am ready to start tiling. Normal practice is obviously to begin tiling just under one tile hight up from the tray and support the first row of tiles on level wooden battons screwed or nailed to the wall. But this will pierce the tanking, which I'm...
  18. B

    Help - how to get a straight mosaic border

    I have tiled a bit of the bathroom wall with large tiles floor to ceiling with a mosaic border running through the middle (the mosaic border is a small brick style on a mesh so I can cut the border to size). However the small area I have done hasn't gone to plan! The top tiles seemed to have...
  19. T

    how to get regular work?

    Hi all Can anyone offer me any advice on the best way to get regular work. My situation is this: (i'll try and keep this brief) Got laid off from my job (after 17yrs) in January (newspaper printer), done a tiling course in march this year, got my NVQ tiling qualification, CSCS card etc and...
  20. I

    Limestone hearth - when & how to seal

    I'm hoping to have a log burner installed later this year and have bought some black-blue limestone tiles to use as a hearth. A friend of a friend is going to fit the stove and lay the hearth but I thought I'd do some groundwork myself, as he kept mentioning Indian sandstone as a hearth and...



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