
  1. S

    Is it worth getting a website?

    hi all i keep putting off setting up a website,but was asked yet again yesterday if i have one as they wanted too use me for some work and wanted too check out some previous work basically who on here has one,how easy was it too set up and where do you start/ i have a domain name and thats about it
  2. M

    New website ! At long last

    Just commissioned a new web designer to re design a new website, very very early stages... just setting the home page out, colours need to be changed etc... will update you as and when each page gets designed
  3. P

    Pictures on website

    Hi, Recently done a lot of high spec work subcontracting and would love to put the pics on my website. However, the company I worked for asked me not to and said something about a 2 year licence????? I know the renderer who worked for them last has set up his own swimming pool website and used...
  4. S

    my new website

    hi guys and gals i have just published my new website Home i would appreciate it you could have a look and give me a little feedback. thanks sean
  5. S


    Im in the middle of creating my website and a little confused about the SEO and what to out in there. Any ideas what works best?
  6. T


    Mods - if you can move this to a better place - please feel free - Not sure where it should go ;-) TWD MARCH PROMOTION As you know we are now proudly sponsoring this forum. As part of our agreement we are committed to the forum’s sharing ethos. In that spirit we are kicking off with the most...
  7. C

    Useful tiling websites ?

    Evening all. Saw something on another thread that made me think about how useful it is to have good background info on all things tiling. Recently came across which has a pretty big archive of technical articles. Anybody already familiar with that site or got any other good...
  8. M

    i'm looking for a new website designer

    Any recommendations... I need a new website, old one is 7 years old and tired... how much approx. should I be paying, and what for ?... I haven't got time to do Joomla etc... so need to sub this out.
  9. P

    Do you have a domain name but no website?

    I have spent my evenings in the last week sorting out my new VPS.....proberbly means nothing to most!......but it looks like this: in a nutshell I have unlimited webspace and domain hosting......... so if you have purchased a domain name, but dont have a website I will be happy to host it...
  10. Dan

    Free £75 Adwords - Get your website listed for searches you don't...

    Google Adwords are running an offer at the moment and are giving away £75's worth of free clicks, when you spend £25 with them. It's probably the best type of offer they've done for a long time, it's usually £25 when you spend £25. Or you can sometimes find a free £50 voucher with no spends...
  11. P

    My new website has gone "LIVE"

    My new website has gone "LIVE" I have finally moved away from flash and onto HTML 5...... there are still a few things to iron already pointed out is on the "ABOUT" page......... kick it to bits please lads......spelling mistakes, bugs etc...... I appriciate any help...
  12. M

    free website

    mh tiler if you are looking for a website :hurray: have a look at this website built free using
  13. chris.tiling

    New Website

    Hi after some feedback (be nice though!). I have finally got my new website up and running... Have a look and let me know what you think? I can have a look at adding links on to it, if you do likewise with mine...but it may take a while as the person who has...
  14. I

    why does weber website show a video of laying plywood then tiling onto

    thought this is frowned upon..also the guy never smoothed off Silicon..or am I being picky.... Wooden floors - Weber, world?s leading manufacturer of industrial mortars for the facade, tile fixing and construction markets
  15. S

    new website

    I had my new website launched today please take a look and let me know what you think Wall Tilier | Floor Tiler | Porcel-thin Tiles | Tiling contractor - GB Walsh
  16. P


    Got mine built and finished, now they are talking pay per click with a £200 per month budget or Seo at£250 per month and probably 3 months to get on pg 1 of google, any ideas on cheapest ways around it. Took 10 yrs to get round to it and wishing I hadn't :mad2:
  17. W


    Does anyone use Moonfruit or Simplesite for there website, if you do what do you think. I know this be done to the hilt but please bear with me as I am a techno phobe.
  18. D

    Is the content on your website being copied. ?

    There is a way you can check to see if your content on your website that is genuine to you and your website has been plagerised . Other sites copying your content can affect your site rankings , i used >>> Copyscape Plagiarism Checker - Duplicate Content Detection Software and have found a few...
  19. M

    MAPEI UK Website

    Hi Everyone! THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT IN 2012!:thumbsup: We've updated the website to have all the main brochures and swatch colour samples online; you can download these, they have system installations included to help give a further guide and support. We'll be updating our Facebook and...
  20. V

    Website help please

    Hello everybody, reading all your posts for a while for advice and thought it was about time i posted one. So mine is about advertising, mainly websites. What do you find is the best was to advertise? Word of mouth of course is free and has the best customers but after that? I'm trying to expand...



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