
  1. D

    Wordpress website getting spammed

    A question for any Wordpress platform users. I am getting spam replies to pics etc on my website but all comments are turned off and there is no visible box to spam in etc. I get spam to the sliding bar pics mainly but lately getting them in the gallery as well , they don't go live as the...
  2. W

    Tradetiler website

    I seem to get problems getting onto his website and I get logged out when loading from the forum, also get problems from outside the forum as just me or does anyone get issues.
  3. Dan

    Tilers Websites and Web Design

    Tilers Websites and Web Design for Wall and Floor Tilers Let us know who does your web design work. Please feel free to link to them, quote their prices, etc. Give us some information about what services they provide and what services you've taken with them. Whether a simple website, a full...
  4. Dan Launch New Tiling Tools Website!

    I'm pleased to announce that Tradetiler Home page have launched a fancy new website! As well as an awesome layout and interface, you can now also login to your account, see all your purchase history, wish lists, stored cart etc etc. New products are right around the corner including metal...
  5. W

    Cheap Effective Websites.

    Hello all. Thank you for letting me advertise on this site !! If you are looking for a cheap website without the cost of most web designers, visit and mention that you seen us on TilersForums !! Give me a visit and use the contact us button to submit any ideas or questions...
  6. G

    Tradetilers new website

    Anyone seen the new website ? Tradetiler Home page
  7. P

    Setting up website

    Hi just wondering whether anybody has got any advise on setting up your website i have heard you can do it yourself. any advise would be great thanks Peter. Sorry if posted in the wrong place new to forum
  8. T

    My New Business website

    I haven't been over here very much lately because I have been building a new website for my business. The new site is built on Wordpress. I learned a lot while building this. Not a bad platform to build a basic site on and the SEO is not too bad to work with either. Hopefully, I will have time...
  9. M

    New Website

    I would appreciate some thoughts on our new website still have a bit of work to do on the content but am interested on how you feel it navigates and font etc? Also is SEO worth the money or is it possible to DIY it?
  10. A

    Updated my website

    Hi all. I have just made a few updates to my website. I currently first rank on page 3 of google which is ok by me. Thereis a mention of me on page one as well so happy as lorry with that. Have a look/listen and let me know what you think TeAl - Home
  11. Dan

    Plug your website on our facebook page

    Plug your website on our facebook page. :) Tilers Forums | Facebook Please let me know on TF when you have done that.
  12. AliGage

    Wordpress knowledge/Website

    Sorry not sure what subforum to put this under. I'm currently in the middle of sorting my website. I'm using Wordpress CMS and i need a gallery plugin. Can anyone recommend a good one that's eaqsily manageable etc? Cheers in advance Ali Gage
  13. Dan

    A few websites I'll be launching soon

    I'll be launching a few websites soon that should help a few of you get a bit more business in. You can see the website list here: Tiling News | Tile News | Training News | Tiles News | News and information about tiles, tiling and the tiles industry. Or I can just list them here. Tile &...
  14. C

    Website - google spiders - advice

    I am currently revamping my website to keep up to date with the competition. It is currently offline and I am starting from scratch as I deleted the lot. What I can remember is that there was a lovely long post in telling me how to get my website to the top of the search when people search for...
  15. E

    New look website

    Hi all hope everybodys books are full and you all in good health. just been updating my website feedback would be much appreciated got alot to do yet but imput from you all would be good thank you.
  16. D

    new website

    Alright guys, I've got a new website up and running now, thanks to my wonderful girlfriend. Your feedback and comments would be appreciated. I've also got some cheap matching leaflets to go with it! If any one needs some let me know and I'll pass you the details on. I've also put a link address...
  17. C

    'Mobi' Websites and EMS Media

    Anyone come across EMS Media / EMS Internet? Had them on the phone today offering a .mobi website and various other benifits for £99 plus VAT annually. Not actually sure that I need a .mobi would appreciate your thoughts on this and also if anyone has come across EMS? My initial...
  18. Y

    Website hosting

    Hi a pal of mine ( a tiler ) wants to move his website from whoever is hosting it now ( because of high charges ) How does he go about it, and can anyone recommend either free or reasonable cost hosting Thanks
  19. widler

    Building websites

    This has prob been done a few times, but after building my own, which i don't think its too bad seeing as im computer illiterate,and have the patiance of a bullmastiff on redbull, i would like to know how much would it cost to have one built? And who builds them? Im stii not sold on them but...
  20. A

    My new website

    Took me a while to figure it out and I still got quite a bit of content to add but check I out and let me know what you think generally. I am quite proud of it. Simples TeAl - Home



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