
  1. T

    Stud wall weight limits

    Evening all, I understand the weight limits for plasterboard, backer board etc, but.... I was wondering what is a reasonable weight limit for the actual stud partition wall? (As in, what's the limit before the framework starts crashing down) Is this something I should be considering on jobs...
  2. B

    Do you know your vans weight limits?

    I have a 63 plate Vauxhall combo short wheel base, I carry a lot of tools, cutters, stools and materials so I have to be careful and keep an eye on how many bags of adhesive, grout, screed etc I pick up from tile shops. If it’s a big job then I just get the materials delivered with the tiles...
  3. T

    Liquid tanking and how it affects weight limits..

    Above is a job I went too a month ago. The contractor said we’ve tanked the walls for you! I told him I wouldn’t tile the slope as it was and with 900x300mm tiles. Why he asked! I used my thumbnail to pick a bit off then proceeded to peel it like an orange - that’s why! So my question. If the...
  4. Chris Gibbs

    tilemaster light weight adhesive

    WOW tried this stuff today... its the business! easier on the arm, faster to spread, lighter to get out of the van. tilemaster take a bow. when I first mixed it up I didn't know whether to spread it on top of a cake or fix tiles with it, creamy or what. give it a go, great stuff.
  5. S

    Weight limit on painted plasterboard

    Hi All, We're currently looking at 600 x 300mm porcelain tiles for our bathroom. The majority of the room is currently painted skimmed plasterboard (which is attached to stud and exterior wall ) From reading other threads, it seems we may have some issue with the weight of the tiles? Is there...
  6. C

    Plasterboard 9.5mm weight

    hello wondered if anyone could help please? I have replaced bathroom studded wall with like for like 9.5mm plasterboard &absolutely overkilled with screws Problem is i am a bit worried if large tiles will be OK on this wall Any info would be gratefull thanks
  7. I

    Losing Weight In The Heat!

    already tired today :(:(
  8. T

    Light Weight Adhesives..... Any Downsides?

    Ola boys and girls. Been trying to clue myself up on a few adhesive brands. And it seems that Tilemaster is the weapon of choice for the majority, so I'll use them as an example. They do the Light Weight Rapid and Light Weight Standard. Its a lighter bag and covers 60% more than a 20kg...
  9. O

    15mm Marble How Many Kgs?

    I went to look at a job last night......24m2 of 400mm x 400mm x 15mm marble on various substrates,non of which would take that amount of weight. I didn't get a conversation with the customer regarding the weight issues as she was busy dealing with other trades when I left the property. So to...
  10. G

    Can A Skimmed Plaster Board Wall Support This Tile?

    finally found a tile i like but its porcelein. it weighs 17kg per m2 will a skimmed plasterboard wall support this with adhesive? thanks
  11. Wishiwasatoptiler

    Weight Check

    Hi lads and lasses, just wanted to check on weights, Been asked to fix these, 600x300x10mm porcelain, these are the largest ill have fixed by far so want to make sure the weights ok for the board, to be fixed to moisture board, tanked with ardex tanking. so I've a 32kg weight per m2 both with...
  12. T

    Guide To Tile Weights And Wall Limitations

    Following a few past threads there seems to be some confusion on what tiles can go onto what walls. Most of you here are professional tilers so apologies if any of this is old news. This is for those who are unsure how to gauge tile weights and for what is a suitable surface for your specific...
  13. O

    Guess The Weight Competition

    35no 600mm x 600mm x 10mm matt and gloss porcelain tiles(All mixed up) Delivered by some adhoc delivery van driving friend of the tile shop Whatever it weighs I wouldn't want it sitting on my toes
  14. W


    just been to look at a job where the builder had bought some sandstone 3 inch thick,8 inch tall and 40 inch long. They were still damp and he asked me to stick them above a ground floor window as a feature. The wall was painted render and it was raining as well. He said just knock some rapid set...
  15. Dan

    Should Slip Resistance For Floor Tiles Be Considered A Factor As Important As Weight Limits For Wall

    When a customer wants to put stone on a wall, the first thing we all shout about is what's the substrate?! - because we want to know if the weight limit including adhesive is going to go over the allowed british standards for wall tiling (32kg per square meter for plasterboard, unskimmed, and...
  16. R

    Tile weight advice

    Afternoon all, Got some 600x300 Basaltina Black Porcelain going up to the ceiling in an entire ensuite, Tile Giants guys reckon tiles weigh in at about 22kg/m2. Walls all plasterboard and would think have been skimmed. Started ringing a few bells for me, but from what I've established it's very...
  17. CJ

    Weight limits

    Wall Substrates Maximum Weight of Tiling per m² Gypsum Plaster........................................................20Kg/m² Gypsum Plasterboard Direct (without a plaster skim)....32Kg/m² Plywood (WBP) Up to............................................30Kg/m² Lightweight...
  18. A

    Weight Limits

    Had a look at a job yesterday its a new build ,Bathroom and Shower en-suite about 50 m2 walls are all ply the tiles are 600 x 300 porcs,boxes stated the weight of 32 kg.I explained about the weight issue and he more or less said "if your'e not interested then there are other tilers that would do...
  19. P

    weight limits

    evening men... was thinking to myself the other day,, about liquid and on the roll waterproof membrane and how they effect tile weight limits and does it make any difference to the limits... as you are tiling on to a membrane and not to surface stated it in weights and limits guide.. thanks
  20. P

    Exceeding substrate weight limits.

    How much weight do you think a properly fixed 1800x900 Porcel-thin tile can take? We have had to employ on our chinise cousins to do the test as the tiles are not yet in the U.K.... So, a big thanks goes out to our chinise "stig's!"!................Lee Wang, Ray Wong and Gary Chung...



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