1st Job

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know the feeling m8, you think at the end of the day, goodness sake what have i actually done!! but if jobs a good un then customer happy it thumbsup. Cuts etc take time and if its a hard tile they take longer, reckon you have to get a system going, stick to it, and try and get quicker. Keep up the good work....Rik
if it makes you feel better, it took me 2 hours to go around a toilet, only 4 tiles!
them :furious3: cuts!
Yeah I've got a wet cutter Clays mate :thumbsup:. Its just workin out the correct shape of the door frame that I found difficult with the big tiles.

lol... I actually done my cuts round the toilet no problem. Just the door frames that have been giving me problems.
you'll get the knack mate..you could try some card the same size as the tile and do a template...but eventually you will get used to just marking them up your self as you go..it's just practice that's all..it will come in time.......
practice makes perfect,stick in there m8.Get yourself a wet cutter and do your cuts in that,makes life a lot easier.Bri
get a Fein Multimaster mate to remove the bottom of skirtings. Takes 2 minutes to cut them and you can slide the tile right under for a nice finish.
Was lookin at the Fein Multimaster. will defo consider gettin one as most of my time was spent going back and forth to the cutter, then not getting the cut right and havomg to start again!!

So does the multimaster remove a few millimetres from the skirting and then you slide the tile under it? Is it easy enough to do this?

(finished the job today, will post pics asap :thumbsup:)

link to pics - http://www.tilersforums.com/tilegallery/showphoto.php?photo=818&ppuser=2535
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Hi Falcone, never cut skirting to slide tile under, straight cutting for me or on some jobs they put skirting on afterwards, bottom of door frames with multimaster


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