Aren't ly the system is 3 times more efficient than in screed heating .but I'm just worried at the extent of perfect tiling and fixing applications needed to ensure the lab testedThis system requires a 2 part adhesive made by mapei .seems silly to me .but it's what is specified by supplier of under floor heating system
The polystyrene boards are grooved for the underfloor heating pipes .stuck with a type of vinyl adhesive .the polystyrene is covered in foil to reflect the heat up through tile ..to me it seems they pushing boundaries as foil and polystyrene aren't in my mind very strong .
The polystyrene is I think about 20 mm made by wunda.they specify kera bond and isolastic made by mapei .I spoke to both technical sides of companies .wunda very positive .mapei just said yes their leaflet specifies this so go with itHow thick is the polystyrene and what 2 part is the Mapei ?