Get them to return it to how it was prior to tiling and get independent tiler in .
If you just let them get away with the **** ups with a small sweetner in price they'll just keep on thinking what there doing is acceptable and move on and mess up the next one and next one... Setting out is a basic tiling skill, you never stick your first tile on til you know where the last will land. A 30mm gap to ceiling could be sorted with lowering the ceiling, the floors a different matter if its already tiled. Do not pay untill your happy, its you that will have to lie in the bath or sit on the loo looking at the mess they've left behind..
Only you know what you can live with, its your call...think in your heart of hearts you 'know' its a bad job or you wouldn't be on here, question is will you be able to live with it for the next ten years?I'm just struggling a bit with the idea of ripping out and binning 20sqm of tiles because the gap at the bottom of the wall is 15mm rather than 3mm. It seems so wasteful. Not to mention that the immense disruption is then prolonged another month or so. Tiles are matt white, grout is white... perhaps after a few weeks I won't even notice it. Then again maybe I will.
I appreciate the advice I've been given on here, coming from professional tilers, and I do think the job is poor, but there are practical downsides to binning it now, and I have to ask myself how important that gap (or lack of it) is.....
Builder/Plumber you say?
I don't mean to be rude, I understand your predicament - honestly, we see it every week.
But why don't people choose say a Handyman/hairdresser to do the service on their car?
Or a window cleaner/dogwalker to decorate the lounge?
Builders and plumbers should stick to what they are (allegedly) qualified to do: Bricks and pipes.