Can I have feedback from you as to where you find the best places to advertise, Is it the local paper, shops leaflet drops?????
Trying to up my energy in the right place
hello and welcome to the forums....have a flick through some of these threads it will give you some ideas then come back with questions if you still need too...
hi the best method of advertising i have found is yellow pages a nice advert under the tilers section have somthimes out of the blue put adverts in the sheffield star and rotherham advertiser and can put hand on heart and say not me or my partner got a single call and we went in on a 4 week block booking i would also recommened trying that is a good one but overall try and get into the book. find out when it is published in ur local area hope this helps
I have two main sources of new leads. One is my local tile shop handing out my cards and the second is advertising in the local rag. However Ive found most people calling ( I got around 2 calls per week) want work doing now and seem surprised you are booked up!
It sounds from other posts you might not get the same response in other areas.
Suck it and see, my 4 week add was £60 quid and i got a 5th week 'free'. One job pays for that so it is worth it as an experiment if the diary is a bit sparce!
I'd avoid paying for an advert in the Yellow Pages. Get yourself a Free Listing in the yellow book and concentrate on other advertising options.
There is a list of things to do found in a thread linked to from the tiling forum..... check that out. It has LOADS of ways to help improve your local presence.
hi dan could you possibly say why you do not agree with advertising in the yellow pages as a paid advert? also would like to hear from any one else who has had previous experiance with yellow pages and some feedback thanks
i had 1 add in my local paper, got three calls in 2 weeks and only cost me £7. after xmas and new year am going in the local paper every week as ive heard good feedback from advertising in there every week
i started placing a advert with the sheffield local paper cost £161 for 4 weeks not a single call then tried a rotherham paper paid £177 for a 4 week period not a single call must have been time of year placed the first one in november and the last one this month ran out yeasterday. i found that many people repeadedly advertise in local papers so there is obviously an element of good feedback recieved will possibly try again in new year
It can be easily converted to a tiling firm and WILL work.
It mentions yellow pages advertising but only the free listing, as I would do myself.
The ROI in PAID advertising in yellow pages is pathetic for the majority of businesses. And needless to say the customer will call the free listings too.