So - a change of plan.
We were at Porcelanosa at the weekend to buy the tiles and she saw these ceramic tiles she wants instead of the mosaic & porcelain plan.
She now wants these ceramic tiles that are 1000 x 333mm, so basically, on the walls of the quadrant enclosure, I would only need one tile (horizontally) per wall as it's a 1000mm quadrant.
Given this very large format, the fact that they are ceramic and no need to consider mosaics any more, is there now a different adhesive that I should be considering for the job?
Also, each of the walls has a slight dip towards the middle. So half way from the corner to the outside of the 1000mm enclosure, the wall dips inwards by about 5mm on one wall and about 3mm on the other.
Should I be considering using some adhesive to "flatten" the walls and letting it set before fixing the tiles, or can I just catch this dip with the adhesive at the time of tiling the walls?