Advice in triming doors

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So how did they cut oak doors before electric tools? :20: :smilewinkgrin:

I have trimmed fire doors with a hand saw no problem and the odd oak door over the last 20 years with no problems at all. :thumbsup:

True but then hand crafted fixtures would take hours not minutes, i'm not sure he was saying it can't be done more why would you bother with the added time if you didn't need too:thumbsup:
Cicular saw with a good blade is my first choice every time (with straight edge/ rail for better cut), electric planer second.

I would only consider a hand saw or jack plane etc as a last resort e.g. no power tools on site or no power etc.

Personaly I feel that there is no need not to use power tools these days unless you pride yourself on using traditional methods. (and can do use them to a good standard!):thumbsup:

I do lots of woodwork and use handsaws and planes etc daily and can tell you that they are essential tools when working with wood but not first choice for doors in most cases.
When I am doing restoration work on tradiytional sash windows etc I like to use traditional methods as it makes me feel good and projects a good image to customers.

I have actualy collected many old tools and origonal sorby and marples tools which include bevels, chisels, planes and timber saws with brass feruels etc

Power tools are deffo better for less experienced I beleive

we arent all master joiners,cabinet makers on here we are ceramic tilers, and on a tilers forum the question was asked the best way to do it, nothing wrong with using a manual hand plane to remove the wood but for small amounts like 4/5mm its very hard to remove with a hand saw. no doubt you will have to use a plane or sander to make the cut true. me personally if there less than 5mm i use an electric planer, more than that i use my rip saw then finished off with the planer. i have used manual hand saw on the new moulded doors as they are easy to cut. often enough we dont charge for these little extras for trimming doors etc so why should we make life hard for our selves. use power tools for easy ness, get job done as easy and as quick as we can. just remember doors these days are quite exspensive ranging upto £150/£200 an internal door, if you break it, you replace it.
This Porta-Plane by Porter Cable goes in and out of production, based on demand I guess. If you can find on you'll agree that it is worth every dollar (or pound :thumbsup: ) It's one of the smoothest, most well-made tools that I own. It has a fence on it that tilts so you can set the angle for the bevel needed on the strike side of the door. WHile you are trimming the door, you can tune up the strike and the head on the door and make some extra money and leave the customer with a better working door.

Porter-Cable 9118 Porta-Plane Kit

One other tip is to score a line with a straightedge and a sharp utility knife, and then cut with the saw to just shy of the line-then use a planer or sander to take it to the score line. This will eliminate blowouts on the face of the door.:thumbsup:


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