Well I've put two days in with the builder. Im feeling it now. Just grafted nonstop. Think he was quite impressed and asked me to return to tile the hallway next week.
I want to look at this job a week or so back and posted a question on here to which Dave replied. The 600x600 P Porcelain.
Low and behold i didn't get this at the time. His usual tiler managed to fit him in.
So anyway. I've been doing wood flooring and decorative trimmings. Skirting etc. But i had a chance to look at what the other guy has done and what i need to lead off from.
Any other time i would actually turn this down and walk away. Its a mess. The tiles have a discrete vein running through them which either hasn't been picked up by the tiler or ignored. There is no uniformity in how they have been laid. Its been put straight onto concrete with no priming of the substrate. Totalling around 45 to 50 sqm. No expansion through the four rooms allowed for. 2mm spacing. And a lot of the joints are pi$$ed. :banghead:
Oh i will John.
I'm in two minds wether to highlight the issues before i start the rest or not. What do you think? I don't want to burn my bridges but don't want to be tarred with the same brush also.