any advice re bad tiling job would be appreciated

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please go and look at his work before, im booked up til april...that speaks volumes.

as I said many posts ago you will need the same batch and shade from the supplier to match your remaining boxes.

Also as said when the tiles are removed there will probably be damage to the substrate. However as you know the walls should have been sorted out before hand so that is something you should have had done in the first place !!
im not talking about the walls I didn't get done, im talking about the new stud wall that has been tiled and my new floor mainly , that I have already paid out for being ruined that's more of a concern

this guy will be a good tiler, cos my mates ex hub wouldn't recommend someone that's crap cos hes a manager in a big well known tile shop and he said that would give the shop a bad reputation, when I said I would only want someone that was experienced and decent, he might have had a cancellation ill find out more on sat there could be a genuine reason, but im really not worried cos hes fully aware of what ive been put through so far and I would rather have someone recommended than me trying to find someone
in all honest if its being replaced with plasterboard and tiled directly it is a relatively small cost. rip board off, replace board tile. board will be under a tenner with screws !!

there is a lot of mights in there however if you are happy to go in blind then so be it !
im just getting him to come and have a look on sat and give me a quote, ill ask him questions and ask to see some of his work etc too, its the cost of someone to put boards on too, plasterer told me today normal boards are a round a fiver and the moisture ones around 10-12 each, the new stud wall with all the shower and jets positioned would be a pain to have to reboard , he said 2 straight walls would charge me half a days wages. someone else suggested tiling over the tiles , not sure if that's a good idea or not
Ok plasterer has given you a fair price and realistic time scale do sounds good.

on the flip side. Shoot the person who suggested tiling over the sorry mess. That's just suggesting one bodge after another.
ok lol, that's probably cos wot we did in my other house and to be honest you couldn't tell ,but the tiles underneath where a lot smaller lol
a pain ? does this man only put full boards up and never have to measure anything harder than a internal corner running out ?
this was just for 2 straight walls not the window wall

small world the tiler has just rang me and knows and works with my son in law sometimes , who has his own plumbing and heating business, so that's made me feel better now, and mates ex hub going to give me all the adhesive, grout etc at cost price to help me out, hes going to try and pop in tonight or 2 moz to have a look, hes suggesting having my underfloor heating covered in latex too , ill wait and see what his price will be, he did say hes not the cheapest but does a good job, but he will do it a good price for me as only lives round corner and as a favour to mates ex who passes on quite a lot of work to him, he will help me out , he wants to choose the adhesive and grout he likes to work with, which I think someone else did mention, so fingers and toes all crossed


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