Absolutely yes! They give the impression you can learn to tile in a few weeks then go out into the real world and earn good money when in fact that couldn't be further from the truth. How many bodged jobs do we see on here that have been done by so called tillers? I' love to know how many of them have been done by someone who has walked into their first paid domestic job straight from a course, lied about how long they have been doing it then ruin the job. I'm not slagging off everyone who wants to get into tiling through the short course route but there needs to be some regulations put in place before an innocent member of the public gets seriously injured because someone has stuck 20mm stone to a painted wall with tubbed addy because the 7 day course provider hasn't fully explained about substrate preparation. Lets be honest how much can you seriously learn in a week or two tiling a booth with perfectly flat walls/ floors.