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ive joined several forums but tbh ive been spoilt by tf

i havent found another forum that is run as well , abuse and bad language are banned which works very well

i would like to see a painters forum as part of the tf group

im sure that there are other decorators who offer tiling to their clients and tilers that get asked to decorate

i keep searching for a decent professional painters forum without success they are all diy sites

i dont mind advising diyers but some of the advice given by other contributers is frightening and the worst bit is they are out painting peoples homes:mad2:

ultimatehandyman has some excellent contributers who would probably appreciate a break from some of the nonsense that appears on that site

if you think some of pickles people get into with tiles is bad you should see what they get up to with a few pots of paint and some wall paper

not to mention pva

Not a bad idea...:thumbsup:
I'd like to see that too, problem is most decorators have their own way of working which produces the best results for them so I could see fights going on all the time. also the trade has a massive amount of unskilled painters (I'd say 60-70% in the trade are chancers), most people think if you can hold a brush you can paint which couldn't be further from the truth
The old expression is "If you can Pee you can paint" certainly not true, there's a ton of chancers out there, more than any other trade
The old expression is "If you can Pee you can paint" certainly not true, there's a ton of chancers out there, more than any other trade

when i worked on site housebashing i would hear that a lot

i used to look at their boots and when they asked what i was doing i would say

im just checking you can pee straight before i put a brush in your hand
I'd like to see that too, problem is most decorators have their own way of working which produces the best results for them so I could see fights going on all the time. also the trade has a massive amount of unskilled painters (I'd say 60-70% in the trade are chancers), most people think if you can hold a brush you can paint which couldn't be further from the truth

i do agree with you cr

i also believe tf has done more to raise the standard of tiling in the uk than all the tiling industries schemes have been able too

the problem in the uk is that we lost the apprentice scheme over twenty years ago

the new apprentice scheme is ok but theres been a break in the handing down of skills and knowledge

the tilers on here are handing the knowledge and methods down to those coming into trade.
i do agree with you cr

i also believe tf has done more to raise the standard of tiling in the uk than all the tiling industries schemes have been able too

the problem in the uk is that we lost the apprentice scheme over twenty years ago

the new apprentice scheme is ok but theres been a break in the handing down of skills and knowledge

the tilers on here are handing the knowledge and methods down to those coming into trade.

Spoke to a young lad many years ago, asked how the college thing was going and he said after 3 months they were on wall paper hanging.

I done decorating when I first left school and me and my brother was on knotting and priming for at least 3 months.

The guy that was training us was about 50 and his father was a decorator when they used to mix there own colours.

The old boys are disappearing but someone forgot to ask them if they would like to do some teaching to the young fellas/lasses.
Have been using forums for 10 years or so. Have 10's of thousands of posts on many different types of forums, this one (and its sister forums) are the newest to me.

With regard to the painters forum, thats a good idea, and I would like to ask them all why it is that since the recession started, new build builders have been getting the painters in 1st on every job, painting everything in sight, then I have to go round stripping paint from the walls. No matter who I talk to, or which way i approach it, I still have to remove meters and meters of paint every week, and its not funny any more. I get told all the time "just PVA it" or "no we dont pay for you to scrape off paint, you want this contract, get on with it" etc.

I could have earnt maybe £10k more last year if it werent for painters. :thumbsdown:
Have been using forums for 10 years or so. Have 10's of thousands of posts on many different types of forums, this one (and its sister forums) are the newest to me.

With regard to the painters forum, thats a good idea, and I would like to ask them all why it is that since the recession started, new build builders have been getting the painters in 1st on every job, painting everything in sight, then I have to go round stripping paint from the walls. No matter who I talk to, or which way i approach it, I still have to remove meters and meters of paint every week, and its not funny any more. I get told all the time "just PVA it" or "no we dont pay for you to scrape off paint, you want this contract, get on with it" etc.

I could have earnt maybe £10k more last year if it werent for painters. :thumbsdown:


sorry but i couldnt help laughing

i last worked on site about 4 years ago, the last job was for taylor wimpy

what a nightmare............prices were very tight

we got houses released to us just as the plasterer was finishing but they werent finished as there would be bits of boxing in etc to be finished

first job was to seal all the walls and ceilings , we would then attempt to finish a house with every other trade knocking the place about

they dont want to pay for cutting in so the kitchens and bathrooms are hit before they are fitted, its supposed to save time and money

its a waste of time berating the painters as they are following instructions

its wrong and never used to be done like that

at one time the painters entered after all the other trades and exited ahead of the carpet fitters

the only other people in were the cleaners

those days are gone..............the bean counters won

its good to see a tiler remove the paint, many dont and its the new householder that suffers

so well done:thumbsup:


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