Just to add that there is only a foot or so showing on the shower screen side, but the whole wall on the other. The grout is different colours, but you wouldn't know it - one of those illusions I think. They are Bal gunmetal and smoke.
I have a lovely shower screen that has been in use for at least a year already with a plastic sheet. Now the tiles are on, I have a problem. I need to move the bottom seal back to allow a bracket to fit. It only needs to be about 3mm, but was siliconed on and is rock solid! I fear it would bend before releasing. I can't even get a razor blade under it. It's 2ft long and aluminium, so relatively easy to bend.
So, how am I going to get round this. Can't remove material from the plastic capping as it could destroy it. Could maybe hacksaw a bit off the trim, but it would get very scary near the bath and could leave a nib. Or some chemical means. Does white spirit have any effect?
UPDATE - hacksawed the corner off and jobs a gud un.
Should probably do the vertical coloured joints before the white bath joint. Though I will have to join the Silicon when I have done the top tiles - when I get my wet cutter working again.
So many compromises, but knowing which to choose...
Just bumping some of the older popular (sometimes not so popular) threads. Probably wont be current discussion these days but I just need to do it. So just ignore the thread if it's not current for you.