Bath Seal Problem

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Seen this loads of times. Using teleseal is like putting a sticky plaster on a broken arm. For the sake of a few tiles get bath out and then sort - leave it too long like that and it gets very expensive.

That was the kitchen ceiling of my last job - bathroom walls were fine but floorboards were mush as was the kitchen ceiling.

and its always around the light fitting as well :yikes:
came across similar problem few years ago .not caused too much damage and customer wanted it rectifying cheap as poss.cut old trim off,scraped off any old Silicon/grout.filled the gap between bath and tiles and levelled off with a straight edge.left it 24 hrs.bought 2 lengths plastic quadrant section beading about 35mm,it was roughly double the gap it had to cover.mitred corners and siliconed both edges and pressed into place.siliconed faces of mitred joints aswell.left another 24hrs and tested.never leaked since.
I don't think we need to go drastic here and start recommending a rip out...

If you can post a pic please so we can see what seal you have around the bath and then we can advise what will work without ripping the room apart,,
Not once the source is sorted.. it will dry out.. but he has already stated the walls are dry..??
tried teleseal a few times but come to the conclusion that you can't beat a good silicon seal. you will have to take the first row of tiles off, they are too short if the bath cannot be raised. check the bath is secure, if it moves you will never seal it. Silicon between bath and wall, replace tiles leaving a 2mm gap then silicon again with the bath full of water! if you can't match the tiles can you make it a contrast like a border? Sorry but it has to be done right.
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I cant find it on british websites but there is a thing, like a Silicon string (diameter 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm) which you put in gaps and then sealant on this. We use it to make dilatations between big tile surfaces. You may use this if you want to remowe old seal and do the new one. Obviously you need to make dry all wet things below the bath otherwise it will get worse. (i think i made some grammar mistakes :| )
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