BCT Ceramic Wall Tiles in Shower Cracking After 12 Weeks

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GC ..General contractor?

Unlikely his fault as its happened so many times before, the tile shop needs to know first and take it from there, everyone tries to blame the tiler.
If he hasn’t taped the joints in any board then it is the tilers fault, but the tiles are rubbish quality if they can’t take this minimum stress.
He will have taped the joins, where does it say he hasn't?
There tiles still crack over board joins even if solid and double tape/filled. As i said not fit for purpose.
I have to say that if the GC was experienced he wouldn't touch BCT tiles with a bargepole, I haven't had any truck with them since my rookie days. There would be movement if he hasn't taped the joints, but that much cracking in such a small amount of time points more to tiles unfit for use than lack of competence. I'd try to get the tile suppliers to refund or give you a better quality replacement.
Thanks. But in his defense, this is in NYC and no one here has ever heard of BCT. I chose them thinking British made tiles would be top quality.


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