Been a while - giving up!

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Bummer Mags,But listen to the majority here,keep your tools for those small weekend jobs,the tools will pay for themselves,you'll get better and more confident,you can then tile city hall and the firehall and with your cash fire all the firemen,restaff the firehall with part-time tilesetters then Bob's your uncle,eh?good luck,keep the tools,Mike:thumbsup:

P.S.hey Dave,why don't we have a poll on wether Mags keeps the tools or not,Put me down for keep

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Sorry to hear this but at least you tried. Eventually things should pick up and you might want to go back to tiling so keep your tools if you can.
Never sell your tools, you are a Tiler!? Times are hard even for the most experianced tilers. Fireman part time or not should put out fires and save lives, not Tiling!How anyone can take a part time Fireman as a Tiler seriously, is above me!:8:2Balls
Mags, like you I have not been on here much as it's been very very quiet where I am. I know you are making the right decision going back in to IT but like the others have said DON'T sell your tools unless you have too. They take up very little space in the shed/garage and will always be at hand when you get the odd job come along.

As I'm in the Print trade as well I know it's very quiet there too. I have benn lucky this week as I have managed to pick up a few job's so keep the dream going as I'm sure you will get some jobs soon.

All the best and keep in touch :thumbsup:

P.S. Very interested in Colour Management like you as I work in Pre-press!!
Mags, like you I have not been on here much as it's been very very quiet where I am. I know you are making the right decision going back in to IT but like the others have said DON'T sell your tools unless you have too. They take up very little space in the shed/garage and will always be at hand when you get the odd job come along.

As I'm in the Print trade as well I know it's very quiet there too. I have benn lucky this week as I have managed to pick up a few job's so keep the dream going as I'm sure you will get some jobs soon.

All the best and keep in touch :thumbsup:

P.S. Very interested in Colour Management like you as I work in Pre-press!!

Being doing Colour for 15 years and am ISO certified, just had 3 days profiling and training work in Cornwall Long way but at £350 a day worth it. now selling epsons and various colour rips and remote proofing is picking up a little.

Gonna try and keep tools if I can thanks for all the advice everyone but I may have to sell to invest in Spectrophotometry.
Being doing Colour for 15 years and am ISO certified, just had 3 days profiling and training work in Cornwall Long way but at £350 a day worth it. now selling epsons and various colour rips and remote proofing is picking up a little.

Gonna try and keep tools if I can thanks for all the advice everyone but I may have to sell to invest in Spectrophotometry.

haven't got a clue what you just said Ken but if it gets you out of a hole go for it, good luck mate
Ken, sell your tools and buy some more when you get the money from that print thing. Then you’ll be tiling again as a hobby not to make money but because you love tiling. Very best of luck in your new old trade.

I think the sad fact is guys that we are still in a recession , the punters want ‘cheap’ and the undercutters are undercutting us for one simple reason – because they can! I don’t need to repeat my moans here about multitrades taking on tiling (because I’m gonna get boring) but what has happened to Ken will happen to more of us – fact.

Now I think I’ll just go off and quote to service a boiler, install a new ring main and install a new solid fire and flue! ... oh I can’t can I , because Gas Safe, Napit and HETAS won’t allow me to – its illegal! .... nuff said!

I can’t wait for the day that tiling is regulated on domestics, because as soon as it is I’m gonna do whatever paperwork I need to do, and people like Ken with his heart in ceramics won’t have to go back to doing stuff for money rather than passion (and all that implies ref doing a good job ... its a very sad indictment that someone who took the effort to train, goes to trade days, and contributes to a trade forum is beat out of the trade by chancers).
hi Dave - Ive been busy tiling, then that sorta got put on hold the last weeks as i have a house up for sale (2 offers already) and have been moving my stuff out. I have a house, garage and stable block full of years of my junk. I had to get a recycling licence for my van as Im now a regular down the dump. This week Ive installed a new front door, finished off tiling the hallway to the door on another house i put up for sale soon and next week I have stone steps and some victorian to do at the top of the steps. Then i have a stone patio to lay. Its very nuts. Id like to get back to doing some regular tiling work for customers, i have two quotes out there and another one to do early next week, so if any of that comes in i dont know where I'll get the time! ... oh, and Im also learning Expression Web in the evenings as i want to be a geek like you! :lol: ive done my own website but i want to do some clever stuff, working on the computer lets my addy cuts heal so its like time off.
nice one Stan!!
MAGS spectra wot!!! good -luck mate, when you first wrote that thread i heard the Hovis music and pictured you walking back Home up that hill with no job and the Burns all starving :lol::lol::lol: you'll be back mate:thumbsup:


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