Ultra for me, best around in my opinion and very competitively prices, and the standard set in pink bag is the nicest on the market to work with on walls
Sorry to hear about fake voting. I have tried a few different brands the past year, including Ultra, Bostik, and some fairly obscure cheapies stocked by my local plumbers merchants. My choice of adhesive tends to depend on where I am working. Weber has been my choice for large scale floors, but my standard "go to" products are Tilemaster Lightweight Standard white for walls, and Tilemaster Trade grey for floors. Now got a supplier of Mapei products a mile from my house - so that may change my buying habits. I need to make a 60-90 minute round trip to buy from Bristol.
Tilemaster for most of my floor work (mainly cos its convenient to collect mind) but have taken a shine to Mapei adesilex p9 for walls - fabulous stuff, long slow set and mixes to a very nice texture.