Rizzle from the Portizzle
dont under price your self you are not looking at the time it takes you are looking at your skill to do this .so how long will it take you to dig this down and remove 1.6 m3 of top layer soil and clay now you bring in the hard core 0.80 m3 then conpact down you have paid for this and spent time getting it and conpacting it how much did you hire the conpactor for how much of your time was spent doing this next you need to mix 0.60 m3 of concarete do you own a mixer then charge a hire rate and a clean rate plus time to mix and lay plus your time to get the matiraels to mix now you need to mix the sand and cement 0.20 m3 so now lay tiles in to wet screed over board over night to allow entry how much did that cost now come back and grout and clean you have just laid a 100 year floor do not devalue your know how .every day i deal with tilers looking for a tile for there clients and have spent there day looking for the right tile while there client has been at work all day earning money my advice is all ways the same when you take them the samples give them a bill for your time .they would give you a bill for theres .every second is one you wont live again dont waste them for clients who dont waste theres only yours