burgers and hot dog's

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Diamond Pool Finishers

who likes them and which is best burger--king
mc donalds
or do you like a hot dog real sausage
or frankfurter:lol:
Chicken Dippers......:drool5:
I HATE those hot dog sausages that are made from reconstituted chicken (bones, small male chicks that are no good for eggs that get thrown in with eyes, beaks and everything else!). "Pork and beef are traditional meats. Less expensive hot dogs are primarily chicken or turkey, due to the low cost of mechanically separated poultry." taken from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hot_dog

Though I love a nice real sausage hotdog done at a bbq.

As for the fast food chains, has to be Maccies for me as I don't eat KFC and don't like Burger Kings. Pizzahut has gone right downhill. Got a frankie and bennies near me that's nice, but the one a few miles away is a disgrace. So I guess you win some you lose some.
This is how they make hotdogs...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhwXPsTaRgc]YouTube - How It's Made - Hot Dogs[/ame]
I am a clean living vegehead – and all you meatheads are evil animal killers. (this forum is going to the dogs)

Being the resident forum beanburger chomper I cant answer gooners stupid questions, but you may all like to note that in a recent coffee competition McD’s coffee beat Star$’s out of the park. Makes all the suits paying top dollar for their frippyfrappygoeasyonthelamajuicelatte’s look a tad stupid doesn’t it!


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