Grinder. Soft pad, easy! Not that I ever need to do that because I'm obsessive but I've seen it done
I'm obsessive about clean buckets and get very upset when those who borrow my power tools, namely grinders, WRAP THE BLOODY CABLE AROUND THE HANDLE!
Ask Frosty! Haha 😀😛
Dans back!Clean as you go you lazy sod.
Sound like Trigger and his road broom!When I was an apprentice my tradesmen always told me to buy the best tools I could afford and that way you will always look after them! Still stick to it ( one gauger I have is 30 years old and quarter its size)
Painter I was working with was varnishing staircase so got him to sand and revarnish my Rabone Chesterman boat level, good as new again he polished up the brass!!Sound like Trigger and his road broom!
'Look after your broom'
Dave said (Rodney) ' and your broom will look after you'.
'No - just look after your broom'.
20 heads and 15 shanks later!!
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