cleaning gunk out of thin core cutters

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We often find that when we are on jobs drilling holes for customers (all part of the service...) that the fittings supplied often come with little


The PORSADRILL 6mm & 8mm cores come complete with core ejection slots


All sizes have the ejection slots so its a case of wiggle the allen key


Tease the core out of its socket


And its out.....

Larger cores have more holes to reach the slug

We are now delighted to be able to add a new tool to the 365-Drills PORSADRILL range to solve the issue of cleaning out the spoil or shards of tiles from the drilling of very hard porcelain tiles.


This core extractor has joined the stable at 365Drills.


The 90 degree hook allows easy access to the portholes and slots of all size diamond cores.


The price of £7.99 reflects the fact that the core ejector also comes complete with another useful item the cooling sponge.
But we have reduced the price to £4.99 for the set online.


We are certain that this toolpack at £4.99 (including VAT) will save lots of time and add real value to the £49.99 bathroom fitters kit.
In fact it can be used with ANY size kit that we sell.

Available online today. And we will add more pics and videos as we finish the product launch.
It is a good idea but, can it do anything that a good old fashioned Allen key can't? Not trying to pee on your fire, just looking at it from a business point of view.
Nope the good old Allen Key remains the king of the core ejection


For those who have access to Allen keys then they are just as good. And to be honest most fixtures come with spare allen keys as standard.
I wanted to add this as an optional extra for people. Its like the sponge. Most people have access to a sponge.
But if you offer a dedicated solution then buyers do appreciate it.

So to be clear there is no significant benefit in this solution to using an Allen key. Its just that we offer a solution.
He's on the ball our Richard is. And as always it's the simple solutions that work, and convenience is king in this scenario.

I love thinking the forum was involved in inventing something so we're not allowing any more negative suggestions about it on the forum!

(Messing again, only messing!)
To be fair I love your drill bits so I'll be likely getting this 🙂 and another sponge will be useful!
i like the idea of having a dedicated tool, youl always have it as its good for nothing else (you could use your allen keys for something else and not bring them. ) . and an extra spong would be handy.
when i get a set of these drills i know il get this aswell.

how about a small storage bog for them,. something along the lines of a festool mini systainer


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