Re: Hello! I'm new to tiling and just want to book a 6 wk NVQ course @ Diamond Traini
Hi Russ,
As with most trades you can learn how to do it in a short period of time. However I don't think you will be very confident after only 6 weeks. I suggest doing the course to get the paperwork and some knowledge, then from then on try and get in with a company where you could work alongside a qualified tiler. Who will train you to further your knowledge and give you advice on certain aspects of the job. It takes years to get very good at it. You need a very good eye for detail.
I have been tiling for just over 5 years now and I still learn something new most days. The course is great, it's kinda like a driving lesson. You learn all the basics from preparation through to completion. But after the course it's up to you to learn the rest and to get better at it.
You'll make mistakes but you'll learn from them. As you are from the marketing background you should find it a bit easier to find work. Let us know how you get on.
Alpine Training; Gary Sheffield has been running one of the oldest independent tiling training centres in the country. He setup many years ago and only does tiling and has a very good reputation. He has been going longer than PTS, Diamond, Able Skills, NETT, Chase and all the other well known centres.
I will have a proper look as i did look at alpine quickly before but decided not to because of the distance from my house, means its going to cost alot more as i will have to stay somewhere near by but thinking it could be worth it, think i will give then a call.
Thanks dan