I can't believe what I'm hearing in this day and age....women of child bearing age being discriminated against even though employers can claim full maternity pay back off the government plus a bit more besides if what I heard on Geremy Vine is correct. Its like going back 100 years. It disgusts me that this happens and it's happening more and more. Anyone out there who is thinking along these lines - think again! Someone has to have the child bearing role which in itself is a beautiful and natural thing and to be penalised for this is outrageous. If nature made us so that both sexes were capable of giving birth do you think that there would be any of this discrimination?????! I DON'T THINK SO !!!!! Ok this is just something I feel very strongly about as you can probably tell lol... Its not aimed at anyone in particular - just a general rant about something I keep hearing more and more about I can understand how difficult it may be as an employer be but geez I'd rather employ no one than do that to a woman:furious3: ... ok rant over..:grouphug: Grouphug! Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!