Exterior patio help

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Max tile and bed thickness for this product please

There are no restrictions to tile size or thickness with Green-Pro mat.

Kerakoll recommend BioGel Revolution rapid set adhesive - maximum bed thickness of 15mm compressed. If you need to build up more than 15mm beneath the mat then they would recommend a screed or levelling compound before starting.

Hope that helps 🙂
Ditra drain 8 needs a fall for the water to move through , if you apply your logic to a wet room You would say the floor doesn't need tanking as the water will just run down the drain.

Good point! :laughing:
Thanks for all replies,much appreciated.I will be using a membrane.I will be starting this job on Friday as it's an add on been asked to do do after completing 2 bathrooms & a large floor & would like to get done asap.Would dural be sufficient with a bal adhesive as bal state there adhesive when set can withstand up to -30.Probably a stupid question but is the membrane outside mainly due to the adhesive in freezing conditions as patios have been laid without a membrane for many a year without issues.I have been looking at the adped method for future reference & can't quite work out how that's different to dot & dab,is it purely the thickness of the slab that will stop it cracking.Thanks again.
Dural doesn't drain so you can get issues with frost lift.
Adped system tiles need to be 20 mm . In this instance your spacing would probably have to be 450 .
Schluter say

There is no maximum limit to the tile/stone thickness that can be installed above Schlüter®-DITRA-DRAIN, providing the thin bed adhesive method is used to bond the tile/stone covering. The minimum tile/stonethickness above Schlüter®-DITRA-DRAIN is 8 mm.

With the thin bed adhesive method, the maximum adhesive bed above Schlüter®-DITRA-DRAIN is 10 mm.
I'm with harry , is nobody concerned about frost lift . Ditra drain 8 is my favoured approach
Just done a patio with adpeds but it is a 25 mm build up approx .
yes frost could be a problem in winter as bal flex bone is a non adhered membrain and breathable in my view most suited but will check with rep.
you can always add frost proofer to your addy
Frost lift is where you get a pocket of water that freezes and expands . No amount of frost proofer is going to help that.


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