festool diamond plunge cutter

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Its basically an angle grinder mounted on base plate with dust extraction?
Yes it it mate, Martin last we spoke, said it was ok but didn’t rave about it.
Personally feel £330 can be better spent.
And you can achieve the same thing with a grinder, dust shroud and a straight edge.
Thats just way I look at it tho.
@3_fall works for nothing and lives of his navy pension
if only Jerry, if only!!
I’m a bit of a sucker for new tools but for some reason I don’t want the Festool as I can’t think of anywhere I’d use it.
It's OK but not as good as I was hoping it would be. Don't bother with the stock blade. I've had best results with the Accumax blade.

I mainly use it for jobs where I want to do all cuts inside. Dust extraction is fairly good - I'd say 90% of the dust is extracted. One thing I would recommend is cutting the rubber seal on the track right back to the metal. As the blade gets so hot it can melt the seal which then gets into the cut and destroys the tile.


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