Few questions from leveling systems reviews

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So as Antonio says it's 2 clips a side, 4 sides to a tile...

Just trying to be the usual helpful member! I like to consider those who may get a bit baffled when it comes to working out how many clips per tile on a large area. The OP is a first time DIY tiler. I even try to cater for everyone on this forum...... even you @pdc !! 😀 😛
Thanks a mil Plan, you're right, as first timer with so much info even the simpler things get confusing, spelling them out really really help!
But please keep the banter too..makes reading post much more entertaining😉:tearsofjoy:
Hi everyone! I've been reading levelling system old posts and have a few questions in relation to some points.

Someone said that PLM or Mustang would leave scratches in high polished or lacquered stones, also it was said sliding systems as RSL could mark some stones. I have digital glazed vitrified porcelain, 60x60x10, would they b OK? U

It was mentioned a few times that during clamping processes in sliding systems (those using wedges/horizontal force, wouldn't know proper name for them..) tiles can move and mess the joint lines. How to prevent or fix this if it can't be prevented?

MLT have few but good reviews, though Jim Murray said in his that "it take a bit of time to get used to using them"...are straps/vertical systems more difficult to use than wedges systems or he meant it for those coming from wedges systems?

To avoid adhesive coming up through the clip Stef recommended to scrap the edge back a few mm's. They were discussing rls, but would this apply to all levelling system? Other advice was to use the back of a small paint brush an run it in the grout joint to get must of the adhesive out.

I read in some other forum, tilers soaking rls clips and wedges in water before use, clips over night and wedges a few hours before. Do you have to even if the are new or clean? They didn't say why they do this...

Someone send a link for a YouTube video of Sal giving tips for plm system. He leaves the clips in for next day job and use scraps to slide in wedges also. I guess that works for all wedge systems (?), but what do you do with vertical systems as MLT or genesis?

Also, for 60x60x10 porcelain using levelling system, with a concrete leveled floor...and been a first timer...what size trowel should I use? 10 or 12 mm?

Looking toward to reading your answers and thanks a mil in advance for your help and time!
Hi Rosa.
I've used loads of clips the ones im most happy with are the Mustang and Pony system i use them as spacers as well never chipped any tiles, i wont use them on delicate polished stone. Anything else I've never had a problem..anything over a 300 x 300 tile i use a 14 mm round notch trowel so i get at least 4-5mm bed of adhesive. above what the manufacturer states 3mm!?
Many thanks Andy for the info:blush:

The box says.."apply a 20-30 mm layer of bedding material over an area of 1 square meter at a time on the surface of the area... I suppose they meant 2-3 mm..?

Sorry Andy I know very little to nothing about tiles, can I ask you if digital glazed vitrified porcelaine is a polished delicate stone? I bought them on an offer in Woody's...they can't be that delicate..hopefully!:smiley:

I would go for 14 then, should I still backbutter?


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