Floor Has Tile Lippage, Wall Tiles Going Up In The Morning! Help Please!

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Sorry for not updating this sooner. I have been flat out at work and its never a simple update.

Potentially tiler number 3 viewed the floor a couple of weekends ago and agreed the floor was of a very poor standard. He also agreed that 3 x wall tiles were unacceptable. What alarmed him was that he had been in the trade for nearly 40 yrs and there was only 2 tilers in the area he recommended, and the guy to create this mess was one of them! He told me he was committed to a long job but may be able to free up a few days to get me out of my dilemma. I was confident i had found a good guy at long last and he would let me know on Monday if he could fit the work in. We agreed for me to pull up the very poor floor tiles and 3 x wall tiles.

Problem is, i found that when pulling up the odd tile to try and make the best of a bad job, you seem to be chasing your tail and before long i decided to pull them all up AGAIN! At the time i thought i was fortunate not to break any but i will come to that later..

As expected two of the three wall tiles did break so and another £150 was spent re-ordering replacements along with another 3 bags of BAL SPF.

I spent two full days preparing the floor for re-tiling. I was in no position to self level again to the floor height, so rather than attack it with hammer and bolster, i used a heavy duty scrapper with replaceable blades to scrape the old adhesive of the floor. I wouldn't wish this job on anyone!

Going back to the tiler, unfortunately he was unable to fit me in for over a month so this was a non-starter. He did however recommend another tiler in the area who worked for him for many years but has now gone self-employed. Given the other person he usually recommends was the last tiler to hash my floor i was unsure but decided to give him a call and see for myself. It turns out he has a half decent website with lots of pictures which gave me a good overall feeling. I called the guy up, explained my situation and he was very keen to help me out. He visited last sat and although the floor was up and the "bad" tiles were removed from the walls, from my description and pictures shown to him he confirmed it was sub-standard and assured me he would not deliver the same standards. We agreed on a maximum acceptable lippage tolerance and he expressed that the aim is always for zero lippage but it was comforting to know that my expectations are the same as his!

So you guys are thinking that this will have a good ending yes? Not just yet...

I work away sometimes and unfortunately the tiler started today whilst i'm away. I received a call this morning from the tiler and he told me that the tiles have all been laid out and we have 6 x tiles with serious chips! I couldn't believe it, as i was the one who cleaned them all up and didn't notice any damage! To be fair i was doing this at 9pm and had been working on the floor since 8am so i was hardly in the best frame of mind. The tiler sent me some pictures of the damaged tiles and they simply cant be laid so i have ordered yet more tiles! The tiler has packed up and will come back on sat morning to do the floor as luckily i can collect the tiles during my work trip and bring home Friday night. The problem however is the tiler will only do the floor first, doesn't work Sunday's and is booked up for the next 2 weeks so looks like i won't get this finished by the end of the month.

I don't think these cowboy tilers understand the implications of their sub-standard work. I have now spend an additional £500 on materials and labour and 2 days of my own time just to get back to the tiling stage. Not to mention all the phone calls, aranging for new tilers etc etc.

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. A lot has been going on whilst i've been away for a few days. I've just read 4 pages i think since my last post!
Couple of things i just want to mention, if i can remember it all:

Looks like the starting point over the bath is relative to the window sill? Have no idea why he would start it like this. I don't fancy shaving what looks like about 10mm off the tiles cutting down to the bath. Whilst i think about it, what is the height of the bath? It might be the perspective of the photo but it looks awlfully high. Average bath panel is 20"-21". For sanity purposes just check the height mate.
Think the wall tiles around the bath are going to have to be removed really. Asthetically your going to have, what looks like around 1/3rd of a til to cut to the ceiling (100mm) and your cut to the floor looks about double this. This alone, and as others have stated, doesn't look like a pro has done it. Add about 2" to the height of the top cut and it'll be about right top and bottom. This will however leave a cut under your window sill of the same. Good solid porcelain like you've purchased should cut and fix nice of that size though and won't look out of place.

Someone else has referenced how easy they've come up as well. I've mentioned this on about page 4 prehaps? It is very very surprising to me how you are manahing to lift these so easily and in one piece!

I really hope you get on with your next tiler, if you don't action' i'm going to drive out and do the tiling myself for you (seriously!)

Good luck

Hopefully this pic will explain why the tiler laid out the wall tiles around the bath in this way. The plan is to raise the box section to accommodate a full tile at the top, then a chrome strip and then 2 x full tiles at the bottom to the floor. There are no windows in the bathroom and yes a 10cm strip will be seen at the top of the walls around the bath.

I honestly dont know what to say to all of that. It has to be the biggest dogs dinner of a small job I have every come across!

Im afraid that i disagree with you tho action,it is not a case that these cowboy tilers dont realise the implications of their sub-standard work, I just think that they dont care. They still get paid.
does that not leave a small cut down to bath ,
its a pity you are having such probs, i hope it gets sorted soon
Action i have to take my hat off to you for standing for the standard you want (it should be a standard required to be a tiler) what i have read and viewed has left me in shock that this could happen more than once to you is just unbelievable , stick to your guns as what you require should be normal tiling standard
Hopefully this pic will explain why the tiler laid out the wall tiles around the bath in this way. The plan is to raise the box section to accommodate a full tile at the top, then a chrome strip and then 2 x full tiles at the bottom to the floor. There are no windows in the bathroom and yes a 10cm strip will be seen at the top of the walls around the bath.

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From this picture it doesn't look like the tile over the box work will line up with those already fixed over the bath.
Re: Floor Has Tile Lippage, Wall Tiles Going Up In The Morning! Help P

Don't mind me while I bump some old but popular threads to see if the topic is still active in some way. Wondering if either the original idea or original issue still exists. I've done this with quite a few threads, so don't be offended if this is just jargon these days and not applicable. But I thought there might be a small chance a small percentage of the small number of threads might just be slightly applicable and the thread could get a new lease of life.

Reply to this if you've read a bit and have something to say. 🙂
There IS going to be a bigger chance when i do this, that the thread is dead. So don't worry if that's the case, just don't reply to it, and we'll all move on and let the thread drop out of view again.


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