Dougs Third Go
ie, trimming green tags, I won't be offended if you trimmed mine Dan, I'm not as prolific as I used to be, I know the drill. I am, however, disappointed that you locked the thread when it was in Trusted Forum.
Cut me as well if I am not giving enough support.You can cut me if you like there are others giving more to the forum than me at the moment
At the moment I get the sense that there has been a big increase in work. I for one am rushed off my feet doing 17 hour days, 7 days a week. If anyone else in the green room, or of any other "banding" (for want of a better word) are experiencing the same increase in workload, they might not be able to participate as much as they did or would like to. But I'd like to think that when they do log on and contribute something that their input held the same weight and merit as it did when they kast logged on, regardless of how long ago that was.