Forming a wetroom 'tray' ??

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This will give you a basic idea of how to form a suitable fall..

[ame=]YouTube - Schluter Systems Shower with Mortar Bed[/ame]

You can do it this way as well... by using 2x1 cut into tapering strips for the falls.,like this pre-pitch system.. then remove the wood strips and in-fill

[ame=]YouTube - Pre-Pitch Gooof Proof Shower Floors[/ame]
hi simon.
i have done this for in ireland the plumbers fit a macalpine trap to the waste pipe.this trap has a square drain top to it.
i use plastic expansion joints that builders use for foothpaths.measure from each corner of trap to each wall corner.thats 4 pieces of plastic.
i set these in concrete and the next day i pour my 4 floors.its much like daves video except the expansion joints make it easier to make the falls.
I would like to try and form the trays myself. I would use a sand / cement mix and try to get some wood or plastic lengths to help me get the correct falls. My only concern is, is it as easy as it looks ??? I don't mind trying, but obviously the falls have to spot on and that is a big concern for me. Am i worrying for no good reason ?? Lastly, what would you charge for doing something like this, including supplying the materials needed ? Thanks for all the replies so far.

the fall i use is 1 inch in 40.others may differ.
sand and cement is fine.
its easy if you hav time to fit ur screeds on ur first day.
pour your floor on second day.
like the lads say.this is the longer and more expensive route.
The screed method posted by Dave is the way I have done this thousands of times. But the preformed trays like wedi fundo etc. are far easier if you are not skilled in sand and cement work:thumbsup:

By the way I go for 1 in 60 fall.
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make sure you stay level around perimitre of shower floor fall is norm icm over 1 metre what size tile are you using and what exp do you have :8:


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