The new threads/posts etc don't seem to be in any order?
Ok so,
Number 1. Circled is the person who created thread and when it was created.
Number 2. Circled is the last person to post and when it was posted.
And if you look at post below Dan's (profiling tool)
You will see below the thread title that Magga posted
1 min after local tiler in thread above.
So its chronological.
The chronological times are
below title, not above.
Number 3. Circled is the recent posts.
If you click that, you'll get second image.
So number 1. Circled is a new post you have not read, you know this because it's bold and underlined.
Number 2. Circled is a recent post you've read, because it's not bold and not underlined.
Number 3. Circled is the time and date of the last poster in that thread and when it was posted. And as you can see Wrighty posted the last one 20 mins ago in power clean.
And in the mitre's thread below, Magga posted 34 mins ago.
Again these are chronological.
Does that help mma?