Update is this. Topps manager took photos and samples. I chased yesterday for the BAL local tech and was told he would take his own samples and photos making the Topps visit a waste of time. The BAL visit is now monday.
I have mixed 2 samples from the grout bag as described previously. The first was mixed as per my usual method and placed on a scrap tile to dry. The second was mixed as per the bag instructions at 5:1 ratio by weight. It looked exactly like the first mix and was spread on to the same tile. A couple of days later and tested by a wet finger, both samples are acting the same as the grouted tiles, softening and smearing when rubbed wet.
Monday will be a week gone since I raised the problem. We needed this shower operational so I could start on the other bathroom which is now being held up. Pain.
Will be interesting to find out what they say, i just brought the same grout myself in white... i used the gunmetal grey one last week on my floor which was tiny little hexigon mosaics so a LOT of grout was used and would be impossible to remove (see photo - colour dark as its still wet, got much lighter once dry).
Might have to test it at area that goes under the bath, jon did u just rub a wet finger to see if it flakes off.
I must admit, i did weight the water and powder using good old kitchen scales, but im a diyer who hadnt grouted a floor or mosaics before so was happy to follow instruction .
You wouldn't have too much problem raking out the grout if it were like mine because it is soft. Yes a wet finger rubs the grout off. We were advised to use a grout sealer in the shower area as a temporary measure so we could use the shower whilst waiting, but the grout is still washing out on the lower lines where most water hits.
I will definitely have to re-grout the shower area which will mean removing the screen all sealed in place. I don't want to seal on the inside of the channel. The thing that concerns me the most is the floor as it will mean removing the vanity unit and toilet.
I would like to get on with it with fresh grout but I feel I need to wait for the report and their recommendation. Mattybaby19 I doubt whether you will have the same problem, I think I have just been unlucky.
Yeah I rubbed mine with my finger and water this morning and is rock solid. Im really sorry to hear about your situation fella. Fingers crossed Bal does the right thing.
If it is a mixing problem grout or adhesive shouldn't be made to work within such fine tolerances . Some people prefer their grout and adhesive wetter some prefer it drier . It should be more user friendly .
I chased the BAL technical rep monday morning, 2 weeks since the visit to take samples. He said he was going to the office that day and would see where they were with the testing and report and phone me back. He didn't phone me. Tuesday morning I phoned him and he said he had been instructed by his office not to discuss the case with me, saying I should hopefully have an answer by the end of the day. So far nothing. Not sure how to take this. Will have to wait for the report. I will phone Topps at some point as the complaint is officially through them.