Grout problem in shower area

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Jon B

Hi hope someone can help. I have quite a few years of tiling experience but never had this problem before. Fortunately the job was in our own house and we have another shower so there is no irate customer but my wife.
3 weeks ago I completed a fully tiled ensuite including a shower area. The tiles are 600x300 porcelain, the adhesive was Topps bagged slow-set adhesive. I grouted with BAL bagged Micromax. The grout was opened in november for another job and had been kept in dry conditions. After a week we used the shower for the first time (it was used twice for I suppose 10 mins total) and found grout dust in the tray. On closer inspection I could see the surface of the lower grout lines was soft and bits had washed off. So I raked out the affected grout lines, re-grouted with the same product but from a new bag and this time left it for 2 weeks as per the manufacturer's guidelines. Just used the shower this morning and we have the same problem on grout lines grouted with the older grout 3 weeks ago and with the newer grout 2 weeks ago. If I run my finger along the grout lines, it is as if it were only grouted yesterday, the surface is soft and can be smeared, even out of the direct shower area where the grout is wet from spray and condensation. My fear is that I will have to rake it all out in the shower area and redo with a new bag. I have used this grout many times before and never had this problem. Any ideas?
Thanks for the replies, looks like there is a consensus that I will need to redo. I will call technical in the morning. However there is 20 sqm. If I use a different make, surely that means re-grouting it all. The toilet, vanity unit etc will all have to come out. Then there is the risk of chipping edges, the mess and dust. Cannot believe this is happening, perhaps I have been using a bad batch.
speak to Bal tomorrow, maybe a batch problem and their goods have a guarantee so many get a result out of them.
what did Bal say to you @jcrtiling ?
Thanks I will call them tomorrow. But what will they do at best, refund the bag? It'll take work over 3 days to take everything out, chase the grout, re-grout, clean and put everything back. That's a complete nightmare!
you never know, tell them what's happened, batch number or when a where you bought them, maybe old stock from shop. if so shop will need to put it all right. Have you still got bags ? give Bal a chance to do a site visit.
tell them you've been on here telling us about your problems
Report back with the out come


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Grout problem in shower area
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