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Really bad news there. My garage was done a few years ago and it wasn't just the expense and inconvenience. The thing I remember is the sick feeling in my gut so Mike and family have my sympathy.

You have to ask who benefits over something like this. The crooks who do the original crime probably fence the goods for peanuts and somebody else gets a little from selling it on. The main beneficiary must be the end buyer who bags a bargain from buying stolen goods and are financing petty crime to continue as they are unaware of the grief it causes. Sadly a lot of people will buy 'knock off' stuff conveniently putting their heads in the sand and not thinking too much of where it comes from.

Sorry for ranting but I rant to everyone over this subject. Spread the word and maybe change some attitudes :thumbsup:

I might start taking the keys out of my ignition at night:yikes: sorry to hear about your predicament Mike, hope you manage to get a result and retrieve your tools etc.

Note to Doug...I lived miles out in the country on the edge of a farm when my garage was done and I wasn't the only one. The crooks can get you anywhere.


Well last night a 2.30 3.30 and 5 am i was stood where the smack heads could see me. I did this as they dont sleep and theres motors pulling up all threw the night dropping things off.

My brother in law wants to kick the door in and "tax" them off everything they have in the house but we would probably get caught and because we have our own things ge punished 100 times more than a heroine addict that we are meant too feel sory for as its an "addiction"

I smoke im addicted i dont go ruining 2 mens lively hood. I was also on my *** with debt collecters threatening too take everything i own. and NOT once did it cross my mind too go and rob sombidy else.
Rant over lol


Sorry to hear youve been robbed mate, i have had my tools stolen three times from various places, twice from Ikea car parks suprisingly , on bank holiday mondays under the watchful eye of a CCTV camera (which was not working in either case) and once from on the road outside my house woke up in the morning to go to work to find a pile of light fittings behind my van and no tools to be found. Its a horrible feeling to realise youve been robbed and the worst thing is trying to remember what you actually have lost.

Hope the police get their fingers out and fnd these thieving scumbags.



Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
Gutted to hear this mate. I guess if the guys are regular thieves they'll have their fingerprints on the database. So I hope you insisted on getting EVERYTHING dusted for prints!

I guess it's too late now, but I'd also insist on the coppers searching the smackheads house.

I'd also move! No matter how nice the area is, it's not worth risking them robbing your house when the little ones are asleep one day.

I used to live in a rough street in stoke and everybody in the street got their houses robbed at least once every two years, apart from the smackheads over the road that is. Funny that. Copper never did anything, and whoever does it, had the cheek to use taxpayers money to fund them going on 3 week barge holidays every year in the summer and so on. They should lock them up and let them turkey until every time they rob for something to feed their addiction.

Sorry if that offends anybody. But it's just the way I see it.

Needless to say my parents (it was when I was young) moved before we got our house robbed.

If I caught anybody taking anything from inside my home, I'd be quite happy to serve time knowing they couldn't eat food without blending it. Outside the home I think I'd just aim to knee cap the buggers and wait for the police to catch them crawling up the road. Unless they touched the porka in which case the above applies. :thumbsup:


My stepdaughter ( psychology student) has a part time job in a home for kids with severe behavioural problems. Most of them are the products of drug and alcohol abusers with brain damage being caused in the womb.

I'm not going to rant too much about the taxpayer having to tidy up the mess while supporting the parents who are free to breed again.

If I had my way I'd neuter the lot of them.....but that would be a breach of human rights, wouldn't it?


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
Probably Sandy. But it's the way it is mate.

I know I keep mentioning this. But I swear it's the way of Labour government. I think (and hope) the con-lib gov should get hold of this and things like it soon enough.

I doubt they'll even neuter them, but I bet they get cracked down on sorting their addictions out a bit better than labour's methadone hand-out policy. What's all that about?!


The police didnt turn up to dust anything even after multiple phone calls from myself:incazzato:

AND then i parked an old golf up on the pavement about half inch away from garage door... do you know what happened????

Police car drove past and asked if i was leaving it there!!!!!!!!! Its a bloody private road ill park it where i like!!! i explained i couldnt lock it as i was waiting for there team to finger print in and was told not to move anything so the golf was blocking any one getting in.

Its the annoying things like today my lad broke his bike, thougt no problem ill get allen keys out off garage....... um no i cant :incazzato:

As for smack heads im still doing my early morning walks (1.30 2.30 etc) as i know there watching me there keeping there distance (which just makes me think there guilty) im doing my walks as apparently smack heads suffer from paranoi so my walks should upset them.

I know i could go kick the door in drag them out and do what ever and the nieghbours wouldnt say or do a thing as they are all fed up off the police not doing anything. But then the wife steps in and says no.

Ill get my own back some way or another:smilewinkgrin:
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