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bad news mike,as above look at your insurance and see if your covered i hope you are,if your covered make sure you claim enough to eliminate the excess loss:smilewinkgrin: play them at there own bloody game
Iv chilled out a little bit now although its still stinging abit. Going to buy one off thos "secure a post" things and alarm Its wierd how you dont do these things until its too late. The police turned up and said they were sending out a fingerprint person But they cant get prints of anything in garage as It has too be shiny???

So said they would get them off door even to its been raining since iv been waiting for them. Its not the point that my tools have gone its the point that some one has thought its OK to go in my garage and take my and my father in laws things. if that makes any sense??

Iv a mate with a scrap yard who has 3 big rotties hes offered too lend them too me to put in the garage but cant see them coming back im convinced it was the smack heads across road,

I did how ever get an ace picture off my little lad stood in front off police car in his police outfit :thumbsup:
That's your worst nightmare there Mike,
i hope the scumbags are caught,keep your ear to the ground and everyone else watch out for cheap tools !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then we hear of other scumbags who can claim in jail for getting knifed !! 100k :yikes:
Pity they hadn't finished him off.
I must tighten up my security:thumbsup:
If I had my way instead of of token sentences I would give repeat offenders community service. Working on a chain gang clearing ditches for 8 hours a day, 4 days a week for there second sentence..
sorry to hear this news Mike :incazzato: it makes me mad, and it makes me realize what a nice place that i live in ,i could leave money out on my drive and nobody would touch it guaranteed :thumbsup: it sound rough where you are mate , you need to put your dog out front at night to guard your stuff, or in your garage :thumbsup:
Mate its a nice area (believe it or not lol) The heroine addicts granfather owns the house he bought it to knick down to give him access to a £3million bit off land too build houses etc on.

Im glad i didnt let dog out as id rather all my tools cars etc get nicked then loose my puppy lol

They will slip up as i know most off the wrong uns round here and somthing will come up next week or next year, .... I hope
So sorry to hear about the tools going missing, as hard as it might be remember to keep your chin up and its not inside the house. You can replace the tools in time.
Hope the police get the scumbags.

However be careful as and when you replace the tools, the scumbags now know you may well be buying new tools and might be back. Be on your guard...electrify the garage door.......
Mike, we just lost some tools from one of the trucks, which was parked right in front of the job and within sight and in the middle of the day. :mad2:

$1000 dollars later, and I now have three steel gang boxes in which we put almost all the tools.

And they got about $500 worth of tools, which I have now replaced. Somehow, these morons didn't steal the Fein which was sitting right next to the stuff they stole. I'm sure they didn't know what it was or they would have gotten it too.

The thing that really chaps my ... is that the circular saw they stole was an old-school Milwaukee brand, which was made in the US back when I bought it. Now the same model is made in China and I'm not interested in it any more.

Those crack heads probably sold those tools for just enough money to by two 40's and two rocks. :incazzato:


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