just wonderd wot you all thought of advertising in your local paper for work have put an advert in mine and not had a single call in a week wondering if i have waisted my money and going down the wrong route to get work
I advertised in two papers one brought me work the other didnt also had a few jobs from ebay and gumtree advertising works differently in certain areas
nothing ventured ,nothing gained,so get out and pound the streets,you might be surprised m8.Local paper advertising hasnt really been that sccessful for me either and i dont advertise in them now.
hi kevemo,have you tried contacting plumbers/bathroom fitters/plumbers in your area? this is free to do i done it about a month ago called 20 of each ,,not every response was what i wanted to hear but out the 60 i called ive had 3 jobs of one guy and 3 more said they would keep me in mind if too busy,,its worth a go mate every job you get on could lead to another.
Times are hard at the minute mate give the local rag a chance ,most of my work comes from recomends but i still advertise in the local paper (it's only a tenner)still get the odd job now and then, also leaflet drops are worth doing i got the kids to hit an estate near me with biz cards and got a couple of jobs .goodluck