Hello Ladies / Gents From us all @ R Austin & Son Tiling

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Hi all,

As we all know work is very grim out there for us Tilers due to the econemic climate, So like everyone else i think it is time to start introducing ourselves into other areas i,e Tilers Forums etc.

A little about us here:

We are a small family business that has been in the tiling industry for over 25 years, i was just a wee lad when my father started in the trade.


We now have a gang of 8 fixers and 1 apprentice which the lad is doing very well, which we are pleased and proud of. We work nationwide and for clients throughout europe.

if i can be assistance to anyone if they are in a pickle please dont hesitate i will gladly help you where i can.

All the best out there chaps. Hope everyone pulls through these hard times and strives on into the oncoming and long awaiting "BOOM" ahead of us.


Rob Austin
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Welcome to tilersforums.com R_Austin_&_Son. Thanks for introducing yourself.
Hi all,

As we all know work is very grim out there for us Tilers due to the econemic climate, So like everyone else i think it is time to start introducing ourselves into other areas i,e Tilers Forums etc.

A little about us here:

We are a small family business that has been in the tiling industry for over 25 years, i was just a wee lad when my father started in the trade.


We now have a gang of 8 fixers and 1 apprentice which the lad is doing very well, which we are pleased and proud of. We work nationwide and for clients throughout europe.

if i can be assistance to anyone if they are in a pickle please dont hesitate i will gladly help you where i can.

All the best out there chaps. Hope everyone pulls through these hard times and strives on into the oncoming and long awaiting "BOOM" ahead of us.


Rob Austin
hello mate
hello mr austin and :welcome:to the forum you guys sound very interesting i'm looking forward to your post's where are you working in the country at the mo then? :thumbsup:

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