where abouts in glasgow are u m8?i'm in kirkintilloch.Have u set up on ur own or do u work 4 someone up here?Did same course at N.E.T GOING BACK 2 DO NATURAL STONE IN JUNE.I WAS SPEAKING 2 TRACEY 2DAY ABOUT IT.
where abouts in glasgow are u m8?i'm in kirkintilloch.Have u set up on ur own or do u work 4 someone up here?Did same course at N.E.T GOING BACK 2 DO NATURAL STONE IN JUNE.I WAS SPEAKING 2 TRACEY 2DAY ABOUT IT.
Cover most of Glasgow. Jobs everywhere. Won't travel across the city for a 2sqm splashback quote like but a lot of my stuff is getting bigger and bigger and on recommendation so I'm not competing with other guys so worth it. I worked in sales for years mate so driving a bit for a decent earner beats driving up to Aberdeen and back in a day for a pointless meeting like I used to do. I work for myself