Help my sky isn't working

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I have a briggs and stratton mower, I need to service it, what is the best type of oil I should use.

YES!!! daughter got it working. was gutted for a while there. can watch my film now with a bottle wine. Cheers for your help:hurray:
three in one mate, wot is it snowing it clear as a bell here, not even cold :yikes:
You need to turn it off and remove viewing card for a few minutes, apparently the cards get a magnetic build up on them. it works when mine has this problem (my sky man told me this) :thumbsup:
Sky men tell you alsorts ....still usually costs £60...:lol:..

I had an electrical spike that i thought had killed my sky+ hard drive....i got some info off a forum for sky users ( i know lol ) and i re-set the hard drive..lost all the saved programs but it worked...saved me £60 call out fee for sky..
Wifey was laid up one new years eve while I was at a neighbours party, got a call sayng the telly was off! Remember hanging out of the window chucking water at the dish to clear the snow off it!!


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