Help need a bit of feedback on which van to buy

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Boroughbridge plumbing and heating ( near you) run two scudo's. thay have spent a or tune on them. Everything that cn go wrong, has. Even replacing the clutch you have to remove all the front brake pipes.

Dont buy either. They are a pile of poo.

get a transit. They may not look good, but will serve you well amd parts are reasonable.
Just about to get my new vivaro 2014, i will look after it the same as my renault traffic, which is FOR SALE if anyone is interested !, i hope it runs well .......
Just ordered mine today with vans direct too !!!Did you have finance on the van dave ? I couldnt get the price down to what you had yours for but Mark said it was because im buying it outright
I had an old but look-after peugeot partner with 180k on it. The old 1.9d non turbo.
The best vehicle I ever owned.
Now I have a Transit Connect lwb which is lovely but so much more complicated, although being Ford, hopefully pretty economical to maintain.

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Just ordered mine today with vans direct too !!!Did you have finance on the van dave ? I couldnt get the price down to what you had yours for but Mark said it was because im buying it outright

Stupid world when you have to pay more for paying in full!?
if i would going to buy another van i would consider running costs, road tax, fuel consumption, insurance, prices of parts and reliability. everything brakes down as its to complicated due to so called saving enviroment. if i woulnt care about above i woukd go for swb ducato 3.0
I had a peugeot expert, great van, until the lad who works for me got hold of it, then blew up 🙁
I have a 09 vito, even better van.
Id steer clear of the fiat , never heard a good thing about scudos, ever
Best van I ever owned was a small vauxhall combo, had a small fire in the cab - no problems, leaked oil but levels never went down, could take corners beautifully. Called it the 'stealth van' after we painted it matt black.

My advice get a transit never realy known much to go wrong from my experience and even if it does they are so common you will always find parts.
I had a peugeot expert, great van, until the lad who works for me got hold of it, then blew up 🙁
I have a 09 vito, even better van.
Id steer clear of the fiat , never heard a good thing about scudos, ever

Fiat have loads of problems, I currently drive a ducato and it has all the common problems.
I need a new van...
TO you mate £1650.0 mate , you could see it next week as i have a new job over the cotswolds if you want Andy.


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