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how fast does take for flexi adhesive to set. is this easily applyed espcially round sills to get em level
how fast does take for flexi adhesive to set. is this easily applyed espcially round sills to get em level
Depends entirely on what make of adhesive Tysfoot. You would need to read the bag, mate.

One of the things drummed into us during my training course...RTFB... Read The F****ing Bag. I always do now, even if I have read it before!

Hi Mate,

Best to always make windows the starting point for the job. Spending as much time as required checking all round the room is expected to. Make your level and plumb lines around the window and then your datum all the way around the room too. From here you can use a staff stick to anticipate all cust etc around the room and move starting points accordingly.

When I did a window on my college course it is the one thing that really oppend up my eyes and after doing this gives you great understanding of where you should start in the future.

Another tips is after tiling around the window make one row of tile all th way around the room. If this row of tile lines up your off to a good start and it can make the job alot easier too, it helps you and means that you havent put hundreds of tiles on before realising any potential mistakes.

Good luck mate. Dont be put off by bad experiences as I am sure most people have had them.


many many thanks for the advice and support, had a **** day,

today i went in and had a chat with the customer and told him i was not happy with the lipped tiles, he agreed and i took them off, i had to smash loads of plaster and cut the angle beads out to try and get the corner straight, he has only just had this plasterered and he is gonna kill the plasterer, put another day on to the job but i want to get it the best i can for him,

I have learnt so much and its not over yet,

Once again thank you all for your time

nice one gaz..this looks better for you....because you want it right and are prepared to put it right......:thumbsup:


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