I've now registered hence a reply not coming from unregistered.
I'll try and answer the questions raised.
Yes, the tiler has said he'll remove the tiles and replace them & remove what adhesive he can but that the finished floor level will increase by 5mm, so I'm assuming that there will be some old adhesive left behind that is causing the floor level to increase. He is not replacing the UFH.
We can categorically prove that the UFH was not connected or commissioned for 4 weeks after the mat & and tiles were laid. Has anyone heard of adhesive requiring longer than 7-14 days before the UFH is first turned on or that thermal shock can occur well after this?
Would you expect Granfix to have confirmed in writing to the tiler that they believe the failure to be down to thermal shock and would that include some level of explanation behind why that is the case i.e test report on sample adhesive?
Yes, the problem is on both the old and newly screed floors but is patchy, there are also other areas of the floor that have UFH which are fine.