Morning, unfortunately I was suffering from a heavy man flu so it's not progressed as much as I would of hoped, but this weekend I did manage to finish the bathroom floor, I opted to not go for a short cut, but for a full tile and cut into the bathroom, I also had to shave 10mm off the tile going to the wall, it was probably more work than the other method but I believe it flows better inbetween rooms. For me the priority is now tiling the bathroom walls so I can get a bathroom fitted, you can see I was just sizing up the tiles in the background, I don't intend to lay like that, I do have one question.. is it better to leave 1 slither cut on the right handside wall, or is it better to have 2 smaller sliter cuts each side to make it even? I think I know the answer already but just checking, also I am planning to mark a 5mm line around the perimeter of the wall to leave for expanision/sealant, I plan to work out roughly the middle of the wall underneath the window and start from there. Perhaps I should create a separate thread for this?