M mp3wizard Jan 14, 2017 #301 So 2.5l product mixed with 7.5l water, ok thought I'd just double check, cheers!
Ttt1601 TF Esteemed Arms Jan 14, 2017 #302 You won't need to mix the whole bottle to cover your floor do it in smaller batches
Ttt1601 TF Esteemed Arms Jan 14, 2017 #303 Ultra tile is good stuff, it's what I use, is it Thier SLC you've got too?
M mp3wizard Jan 14, 2017 #304 Yeh I think 1.25l mixed with 3.75l is better, no I've got flexi level for slc.
T Time's Ran Out Jan 14, 2017 #306 Looks like a lava flow! Just an opinion not meant to upset anyone.
W White Room Jan 14, 2017 #310 Natural daylight will pick up very minor faults and exaggerate the surface flow 🙂