how busy?

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hiya ive been bugging tilers on the phone again to day 2 try and find my self an employer! but most of them said they didnt have enough work on so i was just wondering how busy yous lot are?

thank you leanne x

First week of June, waiting for 9 quotes to come in too. 🙂

And thats with 2 tilers on the go.
Mid June at least - some quotes pending / waiting dates etc

By the way I aren't that bothered about being booked too far in advance - something always comes up. Sometimes having too many jobs booked in can cause it's own problems also - just takes one or two to fall behind, then it's a nightmare juggling.
Gave up giving customers exact start dates ages ago. Normally say it will be around week commencing xxxx and tell them I will confirm nearer the time
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Always good to know a couple of good tilers to get you out the crap in those times where time is tight. 🙂
Know one or two 🙂 In fact one is giving me a hand in 3 weeks - have 9 app'ts and 2 houses to do - new development in Keighley - wouldn't have got the job if it was me working alone.
leanne,dont know if u r only ringing the one man bands up but if i was you,id ring the bigger firms or even an nearing the end of 2yrs at college and also do gouvies and i swore id always stay away from agencies but i tried on and off for a year,ringing fellas and for various reasons it was a now registered with hays construction and the pay is between £11-£15phr.pretty good but at moment a lot of emloyers are wanting employee there 5dys not 4 but im not willing to give college up but i do know theres plenty work out there when im finished.eventually i want to b self employed but with having a daughter,i need regular income until i make a good name.other problem i had last year-fella tuk me on in the summer and i was so pleased,id finally got someone to say yes!!-anyway,worked on the thurs and fri then he said give me a ring tomorrow if you can make arrangments for mon.when i rung mobile his wife picked it up,i asked for him and she said oh hes out and forgot his phone,is it about a qoute,i said no iv been working with him and she didnt no wot to say,so she said ok i get him to ring you back-he did,an hour later to say sorry you cant work with me anymore cos i didnt tell my wife and she wont let me.i also rung a fella before christmas and he said yes but instead of meeting me on the day of starting or whatever,he wanted to meet me in a certain pub and he said we could get to know eachother better before you start-i said no thanks and that was end of that.NO DISRESPECT to all of you tilers on here but im only giving bit of advice.maybe thats y one man bands r giving women kickbacks to employment.causes all sorts of brothers sings round the clubs,etc and other year he advertised forsomeone to duo with.a woman turned up at the house to practice,as hed said yes to her on phone but my sister in law put end to it...what r anyone elses thoughts??is it the womans insecurities or a man being untrustworthy??
I have posted about this thing before - I would actually much rather work with a woman, as I have worked with some right lazy male shlts on site that take it for granted they should be earning loads for doing jack.

A woman in a male dominated game is IMO motivated, proffesional and enthusiatic, otherwise she will fall to the way side.

I have said to Leanne before that it's a shame she don't live in the Midlands as I would have taken her on. Her enthusiasm is something you don't find very often.

It was exactly the same in the Army. Fat lazy knackers in a frontline fighting unit thinking they are special forces in the med centre and transport platoon. Yet the female clerks and chefs we had would thrash them into the ground on fitness, skill at arms and basic field skills. And if they couldn't, they would put 110% into it regardless.

I have worked with some right dross back in the day and its one of the reasons why I left and now i'm getting emotional over it so i'm off to me pit......
im glad to hear it concept.wish tered of been someone like you around when i was ringing about.totally agree about army too,some of the men were rite lazy sods.some of them had the sad and wrong attitude of,theyr women and want to be here so let them do always,theres no i in team and it gets you nowhere.but then sum of them were great and some of my best friends and do out for me....its an individual thing.dont want to say TOO much of my college course(dont no who on this site),BUT a woman ther with her hubby.think shes just ther in spirit cos she sooooooooo lazy its not funny and goes round asking evryone else for help.i used to but not anymore.shud of been thrown off course long ago.better go now.if i get any funny looks on tues i know y!!
Some of my good mates were female in the Army - I would have actually trusted them more over some of the dross I had in my platoon to back me up in a firefight.

Anyway, moving on.... 🙂
leanne,dont know if u r only ringing the one man bands up but if i was you,id ring the bigger firms or even an nearing the end of 2yrs at college and also do gouvies and i swore id always stay away from agencies but i tried on and off for a year,ringing fellas and for various reasons it was a now registered with hays construction and the pay is between £11-£15phr.pretty good but at moment a lot of emloyers are wanting employee there 5dys not 4 but im not willing to give college up but i do know theres plenty work out there when im finished.eventually i want to b self employed but with having a daughter,i need regular income until i make a good name.other problem i had last year-fella tuk me on in the summer and i was so pleased,id finally got someone to say yes!!-anyway,worked on the thurs and fri then he said give me a ring tomorrow if you can make arrangments for mon.when i rung mobile his wife picked it up,i asked for him and she said oh hes out and forgot his phone,is it about a qoute,i said no iv been working with him and she didnt no wot to say,so she said ok i get him to ring you back-he did,an hour later to say sorry you cant work with me anymore cos i didnt tell my wife and she wont let me.i also rung a fella before christmas and he said yes but instead of meeting me on the day of starting or whatever,he wanted to meet me in a certain pub and he said we could get to know eachother better before you start-i said no thanks and that was end of that.NO DISRESPECT to all of you tilers on here but im only giving bit of advice.maybe thats y one man bands r giving women kickbacks to employment.causes all sorts of brothers sings round the clubs,etc and other year he advertised forsomeone to duo with.a woman turned up at the house to practice,as hed said yes to her on phone but my sister in law put end to it...what r anyone elses thoughts??is it the womans insecurities or a man being untrustworthy??

i know exactly what you mean about the wifes i send loadsa letters out looking for an employer and i had a few rang me back saying the wife said no!

id rather work for a woman im waiting 2 hear if im able to work with a lady from wallsend im hoping CITB dont find any problems with it.

and as for who ive been ringing it was just people out of the yellow pages and but i also tryd some bigger companies including hays construction but i cant go through them because im not NVQ qualified!


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