How Many Of You, Use Topps Tiles?

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As per title really, I would be interested to know who uses Topps for their materials, why and which products in particular if you do.

Personally, I don't go anywhere else as where I am based suppliers of adhesive etc are very limited.
I use their slow set addy a lot, always use BAL grouts and very rarely of at all have any issues.
I use Topps, I have been lucky I guess, staff know there stuff and they are a nice bunch.

Nearly all of the staff at the Topps you use have defected to the local Tile Giant opposite over the past few months mate. Come on over! 😀
As per title really, I would be interested to know who uses Topps for their materials, why and which products in particular if you do.

Personally, I don't go anywhere else as where I am based suppliers of adhesive etc are very limited.
I use their slow set addy a lot, always use BAL grouts and very rarely of at all have any issues.
Ok here's my op.

I use my local Topps as I have already said, there literally are no other merchants / suppliers close to me that sell firstly decent adhesives and secondly have most things in stock.
I also agree that they do not have a lot of product knowledge, in fact I think I have probably forgotten more than they know!

Trims are an absolute rip off, so I try to buy elsewhere when I can.

Grouts, well they mostly sell BAL, which personally I don't mind paying a bit extra for because I have never ever had a bad BAL grout and in my op, it's the best!

Tiles, well I don't supply anyway for my own reasons, so apart from slow set addy and grout and the odd Rubi scoring wheel now and then that's about all I buy from them - oh and plus the odd sponge to take my order over £50 to get a stamp on my trade card.
Just got my free rubi star 40 cutter for supplying £800 worth of tiles to customers, I'm easily bought. 😉
I used them once, many years ago, just needed a length of trim to finish off a job. Ridiculously expensive so never been there again.
ive used their slow set and rapid not bad£12 for white slow and £16 rapid flex white grout is crap unless you can afford micromax they have trade trims in chrome in the back of the shop out of the publics eyes ive bought 10 mm for £8 quid


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